at the beginning of twd

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At the beginning of the walking dead there are two sisters Andrea and Amy Harrison

Andrea's POV
I can't believe I'm stuck in a group with a drug addict Merle Dixon why don't we go somewhere private sugar tits
Men I swear .glenn got a sheriff in the group I was looking at a mermaid necklace made me think of Amy we need to get back
Amy's POV
They should've been back by now Shane said they might not come back she's my sister you son of a bitch
They finally got back ANDREA! I hugged her and cried Carl ran to the sheriffs arms oh god were finally eating dinner we went to sleep the next morning we heard groans I and Andrea we saw glenn ,rick,Shane and daryl dixon me and Andrea went fishing I remember our father teaching us how to fish and you need to catch the fish and I need to through them back later we came back and fixed a fish for dinner I have to go pee jeez try be discret after I use the restroom seriously we're out of toilet paper then I felt hands grabbed my arm it was a walker its teeth bit into my arm I screamed ahhh! I fell to my knees I felt the teeth in between my shoulder and neck ah!!I fell to the ground Andrea say Amy oh god Amy I don't what I felt my eyes closing I finally had died
Andrea POV
Amy I shook her shoulders I knew she was dead I didn't leave her side
So a little of twister in part 2 you'll find out

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