Brake Ups (ongoing)

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               "i love you so much!" i screamed overwhelmed in happiness as he touch my hair brushing it with his hands. We are in love so i thought. There was nothing that could stop us from being together. It was like a ferry tail I was the princess and he was the prince. We were in college and about to Finnish the year after that we could live our lives together.  I was saving up money. I worked in a restaurant as  a waiter. I got paid 18$ an hour and i worked for 7 hours a week i came to my apartment  at 11. I live in a small apartment . Not big enough for a family but was saving for a bigger place. I bet he is also saving up money. I can't wait to see what the future stores for us. 

           The very next day i went to school like always. Today was my graduation ceremony I coudn't wait. "Finally no school!" i was so exited that my heart could come out. I couldn't wait to see Pierce( boyfriend)  I bet he'll be glad to see me so happy. I went to his homeroom which seemed to be empty ,but there i saw i saw....... him.... kissing ...... her. He turned around and was surprised he shoved her and said it was not how it looked like. I smiled and said "I'm not stupid " I ran away with tears rushing down my cheeks. I tried to hold them back ,but I just could't. My wishes my my everything was ruined. I was shattered, broken, i was gone. I went home and left without going to the ceremony. What was the point. 

           The diploma came in the mail. I spent a whole week without getting out of the apartment. All i did was watch magical girl shows and lay on the floor lessening to depressing songs that made me tear even more. In my head i would tell my self to get up do something stop being a baby, but my heart said other wise. I heard a the door bell ring ,but i didn't even try to get up. The door opened and there he was Pierce. I forgot I gave him my other key to the apartment. He ran to me and hugged me. He said sorry again and again. I showed no emotion and just said nothing. He said he loved me ,but he no longer could be with me. A tear fell down my cheek ,yet no expression in my face. he looked at e and started to cry. why did he cry i was the one suffering not him. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him is all I thought. 

            I decided to go back to work and act like nothing happened. With a fake smile i asked people for there orders.  Love ended me getting hurt. Was love even really or is it a myth like every stupid "love" story. Prince and princess I meant monster and stupid princess. He disguised him self with a cute smile and acting ,but under that there was a ugly monster waiting to see you get fooled which happened. I was so,so dumb. I woun't be fooled by men ever again. I will be smarter and never be fooled again. 

           I got more than one job after that and saved enough for a nice house.  I moved to the city and began a career in voice acting for some reason. i didn't want to do something that would bore me. So with my college degree i got a job although i still do have a part time job. I'm a manager in a nice restrant after working my ass off. I live in a small house that was hard to find. It has two rooms and one bath. It's okay the rent is cheap so I can afford it. Everything was perfect ,but something was missing. I felt alone in a house by myself. The house was small but i still felt lonely. I needed some one ,but I was to scared to hurt to even want to feel it again. I was scared to die alone ,but even more scared to feel the pain I did. I cried at night telling my self that everything will be alright. I thought everything was just a dream and that one day I would wake up and laugh about it. But it was no dream and i wasn't laughing. I....I want a hug, I want comfort, someone please someone save me.

                  I decided not to cry and ignore the fact that i was suffering inside and move on. I worked hard to get a good part on this upcoming Anime. I was a beginner ,but i got the part of Yami the sister of the main character. The Anime is about two people that fall in "love" and have two children and one is a demon because they were cursed that one day they shall be having a demon child for making a contract with a demon. The story shows how hard it is to live among humans being a demon. I am the sister like I said of the demon. I am suppose to be nice to my demon brother and whatever. My voice will have to be joy full and stuff. I hope i do good. Today i have to meet the other voice actors ,so I hope they are kind to work with. I stepped into a studio with excitement there was a voice recorder and like there was no one there i decided to play with it. I turned it on by pressing random buttons. I started singing a song that i always sung when sad. "The tears "The tears I cries for you that day

are like the tears I cry today

The pain I feel inside reminds me

that I'm living every day

The thoughts of you that fill my head go

'round and 'round like yesterday

And all the love I feel for you

will bring me through another day

All around there are people telling me who I should be

I hate to disappoint you but these are the colors that I see

If there's just a many colors as there are human beings

maybe I'm just color-blind and missing out on everything

Without a word I'm watching as my

life keeps passing by

Desperately I'm reaching for the

days I've left behind

and no matter what I try the

colors won't collide

painting on a canvas of the

scars I tried to hide

I take the dreams that live inside my heart

and splash them across the nightmares in my head

With trembling hands I try to draw

the person that I wish that I could be

The feeling of your fingers on my skin

it lingers even after all these years

It's the only color that

remains inside my heart" the song was BlackBoard from Nano.

           I was singing like there was no tomorrow. I had my eyes closed tightly remembering the times we were together. Out of no were i heard a door close. I opened my eyes and through the glass I saw a tall cute looking guy watching me. I was surprised and almost fell. He laughed  although I couldn't hear his laughter through the Glass. I stepped out of the recording booth. I said sorry five time bowing. He laughed even harder. He said " Are you here for the anime recording," I was surprised and said how did you know. He said with a smile," i'm also here for that." "You sing good," I fake laughed and said "no i don't,"  He looked at me for 2 minutes and said, "you are sure special i bet." of course I got mad ,but I bet he didn't mean it as an insult. He told me when i started singing I had pressed the record button.  I screamed "WHAT!."  Yet that day passed like every other , Nobou (the guy in the recording) walked me home. We talked about work and such. I didn't get to meet the other cast of voice actors because they didn't make it. Though i was looking forward to it. Nobou got the main lead of the demon boy. He has done a lot of voice acting not like me that this is my first time. He told me I had a sweet voice. He looked kind and his name did mean faithful man ,but i couldn't get fooled. Even if there name, face, actions show me otherwise I won't be tricked. All men are the same. I can't trust them, no one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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