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Hey bros this is my new book it's my favorite story so I don't own anything I just wanted to share it so hope y'all like it . byes

Charter 1

The little town of Dementedyville was a tidy, uneventful town . the sort of place where home owners took care never to let their well-tended lawns become overrun by unsightly weeds or children , and birds sang in all the trees--but only between the hours of nine and five, as per town's bylaws.

But even in Dementadyville there was one house that stood out from all the others .....

Number 4 Shadow Lane , the Widow Imavitch's place, was spooky that children dared one another to go trick-or-treating to the door each Halloween. But nobody ever did . Naturally everyone believed the place was haunted. And then, of course ,there were the strange stories about the Widow herself ....

Most of these rumors were started by Reuben Rumpelfink , the Widow's neighbor . He was always complaining about her eccentric ways : About weeds that grew wild in her garden , which claimed had tried to eat his dog . About the bonfire parties she held whenever there was a full moon , where her guests ( disreputable characters of questionable grooming habits ) carried on loudly from midnight to sunrise. And about the mysterious storm cloud that hung over her yard in Every kind of weather .

" That woman is a freak !" Mr.Rumpelfink told anyone who would listen. "She's a danger to us all !"

The day this story begins , Mr. Rumpelfink was leading a frenzied mob of townspeople up Shadow Lane , heading straight for the Widow's gates. Some of the crowd carried pitchforks, or axes, of flaming torches. their faces were set in looks of fierce determination , as if they had some grim purpose in mind and would let nothing stand in their way ....

News of a sale had spread all over town in minutes. People dropped whatever they were doing and rushed right over . Nobody wanted to miss out on any deals . As the bargain-crazed mob surged toward the Widow's laneway , the gates suddenly swung open, as if by magic...

" Probably just motion sensors," Miranda told her friend Stanley Nudelman. " why do you always have to go imagining things ? "

Stanley and Miranda walked home this way from school every day .

"Let's go take a look," Miranda said . " I bet the Widow has lots of cool stuff."

" II'm not sure that's such a good idea ," Staley hesitated. " you know what people say about her ......"

" Don't tell me you actually believe all those dumb rumors?" Miranda scoffed . " Come on , Stanley . just because somebody lives in a spooky old house , and wears black all the time , and has a toad for a pet , and keeps a broomstick chained to a bicycle rack by her door , and talks to bats , and appears and disappers mysteriously wherever a certain black cat is around , that ddoesn't make her a witch ."

But Staley was not the kind of boy who liked taking chances .

" I don't know ........" he fretted. " Oh, come on,"Miranda said. " What's the worst thing that could happen ?"

Well that's chapy number one hope you liked it and I will try to update as soon as possible love you bros

~ ash out !! ~

Plz vote and commite if youz like <3

Ps sorry its so long

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