My life seemed to be over...until i met him...Chapter 5

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I woke up slightly dazed and confused about last night. I thought about what happened and instantly raised my hand to touch my lips. OMG I can't believe he kissed me twice. I blushed. I also can't believe that he didn't take advantage of me either; I mean that's why I broke up with Liam.

Ok let me tell u the story of me and Liam. We had been dating for 6 months and I really really liked him (I even thought I loved him) we were the schools best couple meaning Capitan of the football team and miss popular.

We went to a party after they won their football game. Liam was drinking and messing around with me. He kissed me and lead me up to his room (it was his party incase I 4got to tell u) I didn't think anything of it I mean we'd been in here alone pleanty of times but never when he was drunk. He lead me over to the bed and we started making out. I started to worry when he started to take our cloths off. His first then mine. I knew I wasn't ready yet and told him to stop. He said that he waited 6 months and that I would have sex with him tonight. He ripped my shirt off and threw it across the room. I shivered. I was soo scared. I started crying.

He just started pulling down my skirt when the door opened and Ben came in with some girl on his arm. He looked disgusted at first then once he saw that I was crying and struggling to get away from Liam he looked Pissed. He sent the girl on his arm away and walked over to where Liam and I were Liam looking smug still kissing me and touching me all over. Ben grabbed my hand and pulled me away from him. I stood there in only my bra and skirt. He took his shirt off and passed it to me which I gladly put on. He then turned to Liam. Liam got up and started to walk towards me stumbling a little. He was too drunk to notice Bens fist coming straight at him. Once he was on the ground I told him we were over and he said "were over when I say we are baby'. That pissed Ben off even more. If that's possible. Ben told him to say away from me and if he ever talked to me, looked at me or hit on me he would kill him.

(Ok back to the present.)

I closed my eyes and just layed there for a few minutes. I heard the door open but took no notice till I felt the bed move slightly. I opened my eyes and turned my head. I saw a little Blonde haired, blue eyed girl about 6 or 7 sitting there looking at me with a smile on her face. I sat up slowly.

"umm hello. You must be Katie?" I said

Her smile grew when I said her name. "Hi, yep I'm Katie, are you Chaises girlfriend? Chaise has only ever had one girl round here before and she stays in his room."

I blushed "umm no I'm AJ and I'm just a friend. I met your brother yesterday and now I'm meeting you today" I said smiling at her

"oh" was all she said before looking at the door as it opened.

Chaise walked in wearing black jeans and a red shirt that showed off his great body. He smiled when he saw me. He looked to who was next to me and frowned.I looked at Katie who was looking at him smugly, I looked back at chaise.

"what's going on?" I asked

Chaise sighed and came and sat at the end of the bed. "well I told little miss over there" he nodded in Katies direction "not to wake you up, but did she listen. No" Katie giggled next to me.

"oh...she didn't wake me anyway. So you cant get mad at her" I joked.

Katie stopped giggling and looked at me shocked. "your not mad at me for coming in here? I mean the other girl that's aways here tells me to go play with my dolls." She looked hurt.

"Why would I be mad at you. And I deffinatly wouldn't tell you to play with your dolls unless I can play with them to" I smiled and looked at Chaise who was silently looking on in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2009 ⏰

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