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Alysa's eyes flickered open. Her vision was blurry, some parts blocked by dry, crusted blood. She shut her eyes again confused by the situation. Alysa remembered. Her memories whizzed as she re-enacted the previous events that led to her lying wherever she was.

Alysa clutched her work books to her chest, she was late for class. And class was on the other side of campus. She had no choice but to cross the busy road. Alysa strode forward and placed one foot onto the tarmac, the wind blew silently. Alysa's blonde hair was carried by the gust, the curls covered her face. Alysa struggled to remove the hair from her face. She dropped her books. BAM!

Alysa's eyes her popped open. Her dilated pupils studied the surroundings. She was in a white room; she recognised the familiar beep, beep of a hospital room. Tracking my heart beat? She thought. Of course. She'd obviously been in a car accident. At the end of the hospital bed Alysa lay in was her best friend Ingrid. Her pitch black hair was recognisable even with Alysa's still somewhat unfocused vision. Alysa fought to speak to her but was carried away by exhaustion. She drifted away out of the hospital room.

Ingrid shook Alysa, she was shouting muffled words. Alysa stirred and snapped out of her dream. "Wake up Alysa, please Alysa we have to go! Wake up!" there was desperation in Ingrid's orders. "Whaa-" Alysa croaked as she an attempted to recollect her memories once more. Hospital, car, pain. Alysa's eyes opened up. "Come on Alysa, they're coming!" Who was coming? Alysa wondered.

Ingrid's boyfriend Dave burst through the white door. "They're here," he said panting. His eyes were cold. His ashy brown hair was spiky and upright like a scared cat. "Who's coming?" Alysa sat up in bed she was wearing the same clothes from when she was hit: a blue t-shirt, black ripped jeans and a pair of black trainers with a hot pink logo on the side. "Them," Ingrid answered. She guided Alysa to a window and pointed. Alysa winced through the glass clouded from condensation a saw what appeared to be a crowd of rotting corpses, staggering and stumbling with no sense of direction.

Alysa, usually cheerful and shy, was now pale. The happiness drained from her like plug was pulled. Her normally vibrant blue eyes were now bright and faded thinking of an explanation of how this dream, no nightmare was so realistic. Alysa stepped back and clamped her hands over her mouth. She screamed.

There was a loud bang. The door was knocked inwards as a wave of dead bodies crawled into the small room. Alysa sobbed and howled. She turned away. Alysa felt something grab her shoulder and then a sharp stabbing pain. She exhaled then the pain was gone. Ingrid turned to look at her friend. What was once Alysa was now gone, replaced. Ingrid grabbed something sharp and swung it. She fell to her knees.

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