Chapter One

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(Lauren's POV)

"Shit!" I just tripped over one of my younger sisters shoes she had to put in front of the fucking stairway, and almost broke my neck.

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui, did you just swear in my house" I heard my mom scream from the kitchen. "No, I said shoot" I lied trying to cover up my potty mouth. "Ugh, whatever. What happened anyway?" My mom said coming up the stairs.

"Taylor left her shoes in the middle of the stairway again.." I responded trying to make my point. "I'll deal with that later, get dressed for school you can eat on your way out." I sighed and walked back up the stairs avoiding the shoe this time.

I was at a lost for what to wear so I called my best friend, and only friend, Normani over to help me find something to put on. Her and I've been tight as shit since she moved in next door when we were 7.

She came over and looked through my closet pulling everything out. She finally found a plain black crop top, blue skinny jeans and my black heels to bring the outfit together. I put on eyeliner and red lipstick for make up and that's all. I personally prefer the more natural look with a little bit added on to it.

I left for my first year of high school. Sadly Normani can't be here with me because only one person at our grade school could get the scholarship to South-east High.

When I walked up to the school, it's only a 5 minute run, it was not as I expected. There was trash all over, gangs, cliques and jocks were talking and some of the 'nerds' were being picked on. I walked around the school grounds hoping to find new friends when I walked into a group of guys. One of them went in for the kill and tried making out with me, and for the record I'm homosexual so I dodged that as quick as I could.

I tried walking away but was pushed into a wall by one of them. "Where do you think your going whore?" One of the asked. The same guy who tried kissing me tried to forcefully take off my shirt while his friends held me down.

The guy trying to rape me got punched in the side of the face my this tall, thick tan girl. She pulled me away but got hit back with much more force. She just took it and ran off with me into the building.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" I asked wondering who this life saver was. She just laughed in response to my question ignoring the fact she had a black eye and a bloody nose. "Well my name is Dinah, this my second year here and those fuck boys are jerks. They tried the same thing with me but I have lots of siblings so I know how to physically fight my way out of stuff."

"Oh well nice to meet you maybe we have a class together. Most of my classes are advanced so I hope to see you in one." I smiled and walked away. "Hey, hold up.. can I have your number real quick?" Not to lie she scared the shit out of running behind me like that.

I turned around gave her my number and left. This is gonna be a long year.


The bell rang signaling first period, I have AP Science. I walked into my class and was greated by spit balls and pens being thrown at me. "Class settle down, please introduce yourself Ms..." "Jauregui, Lauren Jauregui." I told him informing my teacher of my name. "Class welcome Ms.Jauregui, Ally may she sit beside of you?"

"Umm..yeah..sure" Ally I guess said looking at me in awe. I gently smiled at her. She smiled and looked down hiding her blush. "Class I would like you to get to know your classmates." He said. I raised my hand to get his name which he never told me. "Yes Ms.Jauregui?" "What is your name you never told me?" I kindly asked. "Look at the board next time is right there Miss" he said. I hadn't realized Dinah was in my class until she said "Mr.Reed I suggest you be a little more polite to my friend next time" and with that she held her middle finger up and said "Fuck you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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