Prolouge 1

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Exhausted, Camille Agreste looked up at her beaming husband. After a long and hard pregnancy, Camille had given birth to a son. Strong, healthy and a fighter. "Adrien." Gabriel said. "Adrien Agreste after his grandfather." Camille nodded happily, pleased with the connection between her new son and her recently deceased father. For the next 3 years of his life, his parents dotted on their son. Then, Camille became pregnant again. It was a hard pregnancy, and Gabriel couldn't bear to see his wife suffer so hard. He stepped into the hall to give her some privacy. When Camille called for him to meet his new son and daughter, he didn't come in. The staff claimed he never left the building. He just simply vanished, leaving behind his wife, two sons and a single daughter. All alone.

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