The Legends

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Finley tugged the earphones from her ears, the music fading as they fell to the ground.

"Jake." Finley's lazy sister ignored her call, and continued to sleep, "Jake!"

"Oh my God, what." The teenager groaned and turned in her bed to face Fin, throwing a pillow at her face. Finley huffed and stood up off the ground, crossing her arms.

"Get off your lazy ass for once, please. Jesus." She turned her head, "Anyways, I heard that Michael and Turner were going to go exploring tonight, they wanted us to come. I guess maybe to celebrate the... Well sorta first day of summer." Finley stared as Jake sat up on her bed, yawning. Jake procrastinated even answering her sister with a lazily pasted grin on her face.

"I mean, sure, but you know the rules about... going too far. You know our boundaries." Jake mumbled, actually deciding to follow the rules for once after many failed attempts to break them, "Don't forget to bring weapons. And food, I'm hungry."

"Pack your own goddamn bag. Freakin pig." Finley unhooked a string backpack from the handle of her closet door and started to stuff multiple gadgets and papers into it. Jake got up and got her own bag, shoving granola bars and trail mix, along with a steak knife and a water gun that she had decorated to her liking.

"Be grateful for those fucking machines that took me eons to build." Jake took her glasses of her nightstand and put them on her face, the big lenses captivating her face in her familiar nerdy attire. She was more of the 'smart but lazy' type, and occasionally tinkered with bolts and screws the two girls had stolen from their step father.

"Alright alright. Just make sure you have everything, and then some. Turner forgets literally everything, and plus, you know how long we're out sometimes. And we will get over the fence this time." Finley double checked inside her bag to make sure we had everything and Jake just bluntly looked at her.

"I know I'm not normally one to follow that dumb rule, but we've failed too many times. I'm not getting hurt again." Jake slung her bag over her shoulder and viewed Finley with worried disgust, like she was an idea that she was trying to stay away from.

"Ok, do whatever the fuck you want. I'll go over the wall, we've been planning this for multiple years and I am not giving up on it just yet." Finley grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it over her head, grabbing a was of money and a couple bags of chips off the dresser. She stuffed the contents in her bag and slung it over her shoulder, walking out if the room, Jake following her. The twins made their way past their parents room, where some suspicious actions were most likely accruing.... At least they wouldn't have to be there to welcome a new child into the fucking world and have to accept more huge changes in their lives.

Jake didn't take as thoughtful steps as her sister, her hands in the pockets of her dark skinny jeans, she seemed careless and unaware that they were sneaking out, but Finley didn't waste her breath to try and tell her to be more cautious.

They made their way down the stairs and to the front door, Finley peered through the window to see Michael and Turner crouching behind the bushes wearing dark clothes and funny looking beanie hats. Michael pushed up his glasses as Jake reached her hand for the doorknob and turned it. She rushed out the door, out to the waste land we call a neighborhood.

Finley stepped out onto the porch and down into the yard, mainly consisting of hard, cement-like dirt and sand. The street was lit by a single lamppost, the only lamppost in the entire neighborhood. All the yards were the same, along with all the houses, except for one house, larger than the rest in which the mayor lived.

This was the only known area of civilization left, the rest beyond the fence was somehow all destroyed... said to be where "strange beings" roam. Finley would love to catch at least one glance of these beings, living among whatever's out there seemed to hive her a rush of need, and longing... as if it were something she just had to do. She's felt this way all her life, and now... tonight, she would finally be able to live out her longing.

"Alright, everything's set? Ready to finally get over this fence? I'm sure as hell that I'm ready to get out of here." Turner leaned against a fake tree that was "planted" in the unbreakable ground to try and give the Haven a more "natural" feel.

"Yeah there would be tons of actual plants. We learned in biology... well... that plants are like, alive! Its amazing, they make their own food... just from sunlight and the carbon dioxide that we exhale!" Jake excitedly explained to us the process of photosynthesis, letting her nerdy side show. Michael grinned at her, lifting an eyebrow, leaving Jake to clear her throat and go back to eating a granola bar, already.

Tuner stood straight up and looked off to the fence, and the thick green vegetation that grew after it, "Well, here we go..."

"Finally" Finley started toward the fence, ready for a new taste of an unfamiliar dish: freedom.

I would love to hear any of your thoughts, I tried to make this chapter long YAY! Its only about 1000 words so I mean its not too long.
Until next time ya weebs thanks for reading this

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