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Chapter One: Not for Attention
The neverending flow of the crimson colored liquid splattered on the marble sink.
Drip, drip, drip.
When she first started, around the age of eleven, Jacie felt immediate pain and stinging in the long, slow movements of the razor. However, now the painful strokes felt needed and desired. They were not only needed and desired, but one of her only escapes from the cruel world outside. She has tried to stop before, with no such luck. Jacie always came back into the welcoming and comforting arms of her razor.
Jacie started to think. Think about the past, when everything was okay, and where everyone cared for eachother. Everything is different now. Jacie had turned to ice, and had put up walls, so no one would ever be able to get close to her again. She believed that if she let anyone close, she'd get hurt. Or worse, they would. She couldn't let that happen again. She couldn't let herself feel that way again.
Jacie realized she'd been lost in thought, and quickly came to.
"Shit." she whispered urgently.
Her blood had gotten everywhere. It was spread over the dark sink, dripping down to the white tile and spreading onto the purple bath mat.
"Fuck, fuck,fuck..."
She quickly looked around the small bathroom, only to find there was nothing to wipe up the spreading liquid.
Jacie threw a band-aid on her oozing thigh where she had cut her soft flesh, and pulled down her pant-leg. The only thing she thought she could do was quickly run downstairs and grab a towel, then run back up to the bathroom before anyone could go in and find the mess.
She put her ear up to the door and listened carefully. She confirmed that no one was upstairs, unlocked the door, and slowly peered out. The door creaked on its old hinges. Jacie's eyes darted from left to right, then she opened the door just enough for her to squeeze out. She didn't want to open it all the way, with risk of it squeaking too loudly.
"This will only take a second." She thought to herself while looking over the railing down to the base of her steps. Jacie gulped down her fear and quietly went downstairs.
Jacie had made it halfway to the downstairs bathroom, when she heard a high-pitched scream coming from the second floor. She panicked, ran the rest of the way to the bathroom, and slammed the door.
She heard her still screaming mother run down the steps to the living room where her father and brother were watching TV.
"There's blood all over the bathroom! Come quickly!" she urged them.The guys didn't need any further explanation. All three were upstairs in a matter of seconds analyzing the pooling blood dripping off the sink. Jacie listened carefully to their conversation behind the door from which she was crouched, hiding.
"Where did all this blood come from?" her brother Jacob asked flatly.
"Well, since we all don't know where it came from, Jacie must know. In fact, it might even be hers! You both know how she does these types of things just for attention!" Her father suggested.
Jacie's mother ran the thought of her daughter once again cutting through her already fogged up head. Her mother then shrugged and simply replied, "Well she owes me a new bath mat then, because she has ruined this one." With that, the family returned to the living room to continue their show. On the way down, Jake made a point of speaking particularly loud to their parents, so Jacie could hear what he was saying. "That girl needs to stop this. She's just begging for attention!"
Jacie slowly shook her head in disagreement as she stood up from where she was sitting in the bathroom. "God, they're just so damn clueless. I don't cut for attention. If I were to cut for attention, I would cut in a place where everyone could see the scars. I cut on my thigh, where I can cover them up." She thought sadly to herself.
Jacie snatched a towel out of the cupboard, and stormed out of the downstairs bathroom. At this point she didn't even care if her family saw her. They didn't care that she cut. They thought she did it in seek of sympathy and attention. Jacie hated them for that.
"There she is!" she heard her brother yell from the couch. She glanced over, noticed that they were watching her favorite movie, Upstream Color without her,and flicked her brother off.
"Mom, dad! Jacie just..." Jacie didn't care to hear the rest of Jake's complaint to their parents. She reached the upstairs bathroom and took in the sight of her thick blood, not pooling anymore, but staying completely still on the tile. Jacie sighed, got down on her hands and knees, and used the towel to clean the beautiful liquid off the floor.
When Jacie was done cleaning the mess,she threw the drenched towel down the laundry shoot and turned to leave the bathroom. When she turned however, it wasn't the closed door to greet her, but her brother.
"You done cleaning up, Cinderella?" he asked mockingly.
"Get out of my way Jake. I was just leaving..." she replied not looking him in the eyes. She didn't want to see the hate written all over his face.
"How about you make me little girl."
Jacie didn't want to start a fight, but with that remark, she kneed Jacob in the groin. While he was bent over heaving, she finished him off by elbowing him in the back along his spine. He fell to his stomach and curled up in a ball, still heaving.
Scared that Jake was following her, she jogged to to her room around the corner, slammed the door shut, and locked it.
Jacie sighed, "I just want to sleep..."
With that she plopped on her bed. Sleep encased her immediately

End Of Chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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