Chapter 1

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   I had just woken up from my AMAZING nap because of the annoying boys from Greenwood High and yes sadly, I have to go to school with them. Luckily of me they were my reminder of my nightly gaze. I forced myself up and sat at my window seat. Here I like to think about things that have happened and how I could fix them. I guess you can say it's my safe haven. I was snapped out of my gaze when I heard a loud thrash of yells. Of course it was the boys. I looked around and identified the boys. I saw Mike, Jake, Hunter, Randy, and then there was Luke. To me Luke was always the odd one out. He never caused trouble. He had hair that was brown and eyes that could look through your soul. They were a steel gray color. On the other hand mine were brimmed with blue and the inside was a greenish yellow color. Ew I know right. I had brown hair that honestly I adored. Anyways. Mike had shaggy blonde hair and green eyes with freckles. Jake had black hair and brown eyes. Hunter had red hair and blue eyes. And yeah, that's pretty much it. Hunter was the most annoying because..he's my brother. Mike was the most sporty of them all. Jake was the kid that was spoiled rotten. The one that got anything at anytime. Randy was the kind sweet one and was everybody's friend. I kept catching myself looking at Luke. I guess you can say it was my First Gaze. (AN: WOO HOO I BROUGHT THE TITLE IN..ok bye keep reading)
    I checked the clock and realized it was 11:34. Dammit I have school tomorrow. I sighed exasperatedly and changed into my pjs and it was off to bed for me.

  I was awoken from my slumber by the repeating sound of my alarm clock. I pushed myself up and picked up my toiletries and headed to the bathroom. Once I had finished washing up and taking a shower I headed to my room in my towel to get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans, my white converse and a sleeveless shirt (outfit above). I threw on my backpack and headed downstairs.Trying not to awake my father because he was most likely hung over. Here's the thing. When my mom died when I was 11, my dad relied on alcohol to stay normal. When he was drunk he would punch me, kick me, and slap me. I snatched a granola bar grabbed my skateboard and headed out the door.

Once I got to school for some reason I immediately spotted Luke. He had a worried face. His eyes were looking all glassy. God his eyes are beautiful. I kept staring at him to see if something would happen.
"Hey..I..erm.. I'm Delilah and I uh.. Just wanted to say hi." He giggled at all of the stutters I was making. God he has the cutest little laugh. Wait did I just think that? Ugh scratch that. I got snapped out of my thoughts when Luke opened his mouth to speak.
"Ya I'm good I..just..umm.. It's nothing..I uh gotta go." and he walked awkwardly towards the door while looking at me. What the hell?

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING THIS AND DONT gets better ;) make sure to read the next chapter LUV YALL

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