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The smell of eggs and bacon woke me from my sleep. The smell was very strong. I knew my mom was probably making it for my little brother. My little brother Tyler is one of my best friends, I would do anything to make sure that he was safe from danger.

I sadly rolled out of bed and put on some pant. I walked down stairs to see what Tyler was doing. He was crying. I walked over to him to see if he was okay.

"Hey what's wrong, why are you crying?" I asked trying to calm him down.

"Ma,ma is being mean again. i walked into the kitchen to get some poptarts and she was kissing another man that wasn't daddy." he said with a little sniffleing here and there.

"Is the man still here?"

He nodded his head and I walked over to the kitchen door. As soon as I opened it I i wished i hadn't. the man what making out with my mom while she was on the counter. I wanted to screem at her but I knew I couldn't. I just wanted to be a real bitch so i just walked over to the cabinet and grabed the poptarts. I slamed the door to the cabinet shut. My mom immediately stopped what she was doing.

"What the fuck Sam, how many times do I have to tell you not to slam the cabinet doors?" She yelled

"How many time do I have to remind you that you have a husband and 2 kids?"

"Sam... get out of the kitchen please."

"Oh now you want to be nice. You need to stop sleeping around. If you don't I'll tell dad." and with that I left the room.



**Sorry it's short but I just wanted to get this out asap

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