My Explicit Slam Poetry Rant

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Everything is too overwhelming

why am I even overwhelmed?

I can never truly understand what it is I am feeling

Or what performance I should sell

Should I say I am happy when I'm not?

Or be glum when others do?

Should I say I forgot,

when I just didn't want to.

Should I excuse my behavior, my habits, and my traits?

When honestly I am consumed in emptiness.

Should I say it was a mistake, fueled by fake hates?

That exist so I can avoid the abyss.

The abyss that hides beneath bright eyes,

the one that torments me inside,

the one that has to make up lies,

because it feels nothing so it hides.

Hides in the the self doubt, self hatred, neglect, and disappointment,

Makes you avoid your next appointment, because you feel like such a mother fucking disappointment.

So listen hear you ignorant jack ass

who do you think you are to question my class?

What you think you know his a bunch of bull shit

But you torture me anyways and wonder why I'd quit.


Yet here you are blaming me, shaming me,

for a crime I didn't commit.

You laugh at me and mock at me while your pretending this is a fucking anarchy

Well news flash you pretentious little prick

The world is bigger than your brain washed colony

So you can suck my metaphorical dick.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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