Dreams Made Real

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I could tell chains were around my ankles, weighted ones. They drug me down as I went deeper and deeper. I held my breath for what seemed like forever. I thrashed and kicked and it seemed useless, I heard a muffled crash somewhere, but I could barely notice. I kept trying to get free, and then I started to swallow the water, and I could feel it filling my lungs. I saw a blinding flash of light, and then it was darkness. I could tell that I was back in my bed. I was covered in sweat. It was the third time this week that this happened. I checked my clock and it said 3:04.  I couldn't sleep the rest of the night, until my alarm went off in the morning. I went to school, and as usual, I had a really bad day..  My friends usually noticed and tried to cheer me up. I went throughout my day listening to music and blowing off my friends that tried to talk to me.  After third period, like usual, I went to lunch. I sat with the guys, and nobody really tried to say anything to me. One of my friends was mighty persistent with trying to cheer me up. Her bame was Bre, and she usually succeeded to get a smile out of me when I was in a bad mood. I could tell that it wasn't going to happen this time, though. She tried saying something, but I didn't listen. She eventually just ripped both my earbuds out and yelled, "what is wrong with you!?" This, of course, made me really pissed, so I just put them back in and went to the bathroom. After a while of me just waiting in there, my friend Vik came in. "Bre wants to apologize dude," was all he said. He walked out with me behind him. I walked over to Bre and she just gave me a really big hug as usual. Right when she hugged me, I was somewhere else. I was in a car, in the passenger seat. I felt different, it didn't feel like me. I heard an unfamiliar voice from behind me. "Mom, can we stop and go to the bathroom?" I looked over at the person driving, and I noticed that it slightly resembled Bre, but she was older. "In a minute we will stop," she said as she looked over at me. "You want anything, Bre?" I thought for a second and looked ahead. I couldn't breathe as I saw the eighteen-wheeler flip on top of the car.

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