The woman who never decended

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There once was a lady
Her name was lori lorena
She had four young children
Her husband died of an unknown
They lived in a cottage
At the top of a hill, in the meadow
They had a garden, a cow, and 2 chicks
One day
Her first born forgot to feed the chicks
One died, the other got sick
She locked the child in the coop
And left him there
The next morning he ly there
The other children sad and fearful
The next child burned bread
Lori Lorena was furious
She tossed the child into the fire
Inwhich the bread was burned
The two young children
Terrified of their mother
One slept late and missed his chores
The other picked unripe vegetables
In the same day
The two lay in the dirt the next day
Without relizing her mistake
Lori Lorena lived a long, lone life
And eventually died
She was rejected from heaven
And hell
"Where are your children?"
They both asked
So now she roams earth as a spirit
Letting her words
Blow though the wind
"Ooh, ooh where are my babies?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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