Im mute by choice, Hes the bad boy, And then theirs love?chp.4

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[A/n : Heres Asher aka other friend

Asher- ]

Chapter 4:


It has been a hour since Bradley and his friends decided to join us. The other guy (his 2nd friend) turned out to be some kid named Asher. But anyway's, like I was saying it's been a hour and I was completely and positively bored. Ethan and Skye were one one side of the table talking in hush voices. I could tell they were flirting from Skye giggles, her touching his arm and him touching her face or playing with a strand of her hair any chance he got. It was truly sickening.

Bradley and Asher were talking about some underground fighting that was taking place this weekend. It was between some guy names shadows and ryn. To them it was a new hype but to me it was making me utterly bored. Kicking Skye under the table lightly, she turned around and I signed saying I was heading over to Jamba Juice and I'd be back in a few. She nodded before turning back to Ethan and continued their flirt fest.

Sighing, which I have been doing a lot of, I got up and walked out of the ice cream shop. The crazy thing is nobody nice. Wow, I'm more quiet then I thought I was. Walking across the way I spotted Jamba Juice directly across from Ben and Jerry. As I walked through the door I saw that nobody was really in there a few people here and there. I walked straight to the counter and there was no line. The girl behind it looked like she was bored to death at she picked at her black and neon green nails.

When I walked up to the counter I spotted a little notepad and a pen, like a waitress uses. I picked it up but first looked at the girl asking a silent permission. She just nodded and went back to picking at her nails. On the pad I wrote down what I wanted.

"Can I get a medium Strawberry and Banana Romba, and three lemon squares" It read.

I passed the paper to her and she looked down, then up, then down and up again. Realization finally stuck her face.

"Hey your the new girl...Onyx right?" I nodded "Oh cool. My name Summer. Summer Eclipse. I know, I know weird name and all"

I took back the pad and wrote. " Cute name, unique."

She looked back up at me a smiled. " Thank you, your actually the first person to say that. Oh! Yea! Sorry about before, sometimes the days are really slow and I shut down a bit"

"Its Okay" I mouth.

"Oh shoot!" she said " I almost forgot, let me go get your order."

I nodded. The counter was like a bar top so it stretch out into a "U" shape. Surrounding it was bar stools. I took the seat that was in front of me and sat down. As I waited for her to return I folded my arm on the counter and leaned my head on them. I took my I-pod out my pocket and put a single head phone in and turned the volume to low. On my I-pod I had every type of music. My life was mostly about music so I appreciate all of it even if there rapping about how much chicks and money that get. Pressing shuffle I let a random song come on.


"To kiss and tell

It's just not my style

But the night is young

And it's been awhile

And she broke my heart

Broke it right in two

And it's fixing time

But I'm feeling like I'm finally ready to

Find, find somebody new

I wanna kiss a girl

I wanna hold her tight

And maybe make a little magic in the moonlight"

I nodded my head slighlty to the beat. For you people who don't know the song is Kiss a girl by Keith Urban. Personally I think he is the sickest country guitar player ever, and his looks an't all that bad.

"Don't wanna go too far

Just to take it slow

But I shouldn't be lonely in this big ol' world

I wanna kiss a girl

It's that moment when

You start closing in

First you're holding back

Then surrendering

It can start a fire

Light up the sky

Such a simple thing

Do you wan-"

Before that line could end. I heard Summer call my name. I look up at her quickly. In front of me she placed my order. I hungry attacked the lemon squares. Summer chuckled at my action causing me, to look up and grin widely. In that process some pieces of crumb fell out my mouth causing her to break out laughing. I followed along, only mine was silent, with the occasional gasps for air. When her's and mine laughter died down I continued finishing my order and she went on texting on her phone, and let me tell you she could type fast!!

In about ten minutes I was done with half a smoothie still in my hand. I pull out the exact cost from my avenged sevenfold wallet and a few dollar bills as a tip. When I was about to walk out

Summer called me back. I looked back over my shoulder at her.

"See you at school tomorrow?" She asked.

I nodded my head and smiled widely at her before exiting that store. Again, a single thought ran through my head.

'Did I just make a.....friend?'



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2009 ⏰

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Im mute by choice, Hes the bad boy, And then theirs love?chp.4Where stories live. Discover now