Betrayal:Part One

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3 person POV
The battle was raging on and we have had many losses but we continued fighting on trying to not make there lives in vain but demigods were getting tired and the gods are starting to lose hope as the demigods getting killed all around them from 12 year olds to veterans of the age 25.They were losing and Percy saw that so he had to come up with a plan and he had to do it quick. Soon Percy figured a plan he went to every bane and help kill the banes and ignoring the monsters soon the Giants were dead but Polybotes. Percy then went to help his father fight Polybotes! Poseidon was the long range with his Trident using it to summon high pressured water and blast is at his Giant Bane, Percy was the close range combat with his trust sword Riptide and Polybotes was using a Trident with close range. Percy just did a flip to avoid the stab coming at his right side when he had to duck to avoid being smacked across the whole battle field.
"Give up son of sea god you can not win my mother is being awoken at this moment and you can do nothing to stop is, she shall rise today and kill you all!"Said Polybotes while blocking the water being summoned by Poseidon then he slashed at Percy's legs but this time Percy was to slow to move back and got cut in the right leg. His leg then began to burn in pain each time he moved it. Percy realized he needed to end the fight quick he then ran with all his speed to Polybotes, jumped and stabbed him right in the face, his father then shot a whole lakes worth of water towards Polybotes ending him instantly. Just when Percy was about to relax and rest he hear a women's scream of anger behind him. Then when he turned around he saw a women with a beautiful green dress that seemed to be made of leafs and gems and jewels, she also had a golden crown, and the most beautiful green eyes ever with swirling blue in it I then realize who it was.time
"Perseus Jackson! You have single handedly ruined every single of my carefully made plan's and have killed every one of my children and now you shall pay, come and fight me like a man!"said Gaea
Percy then began to fight Gaea with Riptide and Gaea with Double Earth swords. Percy slashed at her stomach but was blocked then she slash him I the chest he then stab her in the thigh. She then did a wild slash at his left Side but Percy ducked and stabbed her right in the heart but before she died being the B*ch she is said in the Ancient Tongue
*I Gaea Mother of Earth, Wife of Uranus give Perseus Jackson Son of Poseidon the gift of immortality my he be the Titan of Time, Magic, Witchcraft, and Wizardry. May he never die of any cause or form of damage. Also is able to tamper with mortals as well as with immortals.*Then Percy blacked out...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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