Bad boy and the beautiful nerd.

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Hey this story is about a bad boy and a beautiful nerd but no one knows she's beautiful. sorry I don't like doing this sort of thing. ←.........


(So don't be shocked when you read it .)

*Holly's pov.*


I love most of my l classes I just hate the people in them . THE BULLY'S. I'm 17 years old, typical glasses.

And my hair is always up never down. It's in a tight bun and scrapped backed to almost perfection. Aessy disgusting perfection.

My best friend Cassy Norman is a huge nerd, but she likes party's and all that stuff. Cassy has same hair colour as me which is dirty blonde and funliy enough same eye colour bright green. She also wears braces. This is my senior year in high school. Sweet sweet Lincolnshire sports academy, my belovid school. Yeh I hate sports. So they can go f**k them selves if they think I will partake in any physical activity. Unless it's dance I have a strange passion for dance. No body Knows this not even Cassy . Can't wait to get out of this shit tip I call high school.

I'm an only chlid.

Parents are toghther but you wouldn't know that if you looked at them, it's breaking my heart into littler pieces every time I see them unhappy but what can I do ' am just a kid' I'm rich but act poor. Well the way I dress you asume I'm poor. Urmm well lets just say, me and my grandmother have somthing in common. Well diary I'll stop writing because I wouldn't want to bore you, like I bore everyone else. Plus I have an hour class to get thorough without getting bullied. Yay me. I doubt I'll not get bullied but there's always hope.

" Ew it's the nerd, why are you late. Trying to act cool are we. " one of the cheer leaders said, in other words bimbo. Yeh so first few seconds of class and I'm the laughing stock.

But I ignore them. I don't need to rise up to their level of stupidity.

" Oi were talking to you nerd." She spat.

Still ignoring.

" OH, SHE THINKS SHE'S BETTER THEN US, WE'LL SHOW WHO'S BETTER." Bimbo number 1 shouts. By the way there are three bimbos. I call them the bimboets. Not very smart but no one can read thoughts. I wish they will just leave me alone. But no.

I get pushed over and my ass is now on the fake laminated flooring. She starts kicking me. And we're is the teacher you may ask . Hmm. he's sat on his swivel chair sitting on his fat arse watching. The bastard.

" BITCH, BITCH, BITCH" Is all bimbo no1's volcabulary will allow her to use.

Five minuets later she stops so I take this precious time to run, waddle, and pratically calpse (how ever you want to put it) all the way down the hall to the nurses medical room. But I black out before I could get there. But I can't remember falling on the hard fake ground. My eye lids are heavy but I managed to flutter them open. My firstreaction is. What ! why am I in the nurses medical room? I passed out, before I got here I'm sure of it .

" She's up " A male voice said. Wait I don't remeber nurse christy, been a man. I twist may head around to see whats happening.

Oh my gosh. Right there in front of me schools bad boy Zach Hayfield.

" Are you okay" Zach asks me. Me holly webster schools nerd if ' I'm okay' . I'm dead. When's my funeral. Mom Dad love you dearly. Such a cinfusing mess . Right lets get this straight, how did I end up hear . Two what is he doing here. I thought to my self and I mentally pointed at Zach Hayfield.

Okay now he's just starring at me. Oh I never answered him. So stupid aren't I?

" Urm....urm..y.yeh. thanksss." finally getting my words to pronunciate

" Okay then , By the way I caught you when you began to fall." He caught me oh gosh, think I'm gunna have a heart attack.

" TTThank you" he sniggered. And pushed a strand of my practically black hair out of my bright blue eyes with grey coloring surrounding the outskrits of my pupils. I blushed typical me. urgh.

" Do you want me to take you home. schools over."

" Please" I said sheepishly.

We headed to the schools parking lot. and we got in his not too shaby black bently. abit girly but all well. His car not mine.

" Whats your address." he ask . what the fuck do I do. Shall I just go here have my phone number, house address and while we're at it here's my bank details. But putting my bank at risk I eventually gave him my details. He best not be a serial killer. I'll haunt his sorry ass. But He's, ZACH FREAKING HAYFIELED! what do I say, where do I look. Do I breathe. Hmm I think I should maybe breathe.

" Urm 22 Brookroad, do you know it." he laughs . Why's he laughing, is there something on my heart shaped face. The only thing that is likable on me is my amazingly shaped head.

" I guess were neighboroughs, Hmm wonder how i've never seen you."

" I don't really know to be honest." He makes a swift turn roudn the sharp corner. Oh gosh I'm dreaming or dead. Anyway somone please help. I meantally begged.

" Were here" he sang.

As I got out of his sleek black car, but for some odd reason he called back.

" Don't be a stranger holly" Weird I'm clumsy and clues less Holly and he says don't be a stranger.

" Urm okayy, thanks for the ride" How did he know my name, hm mystery.


Later that evening.

After stripping off my out of date by a decade, baggy flower pattern three quarters. And my extremely baggy beatles top from there tour that I didn't go to. Sadly I wasn't old enough or born for that matter.

Just as I was closing my curtains I see know other then Zach Hayfield. We have opposite bedrooms great. How for freaking fudge cakes did I not know this. I said aloud and pointing straight at what I asume is Zachs bed.

Oh yes, I know why I've never noticed. It's because you're always studing.

there a piece of paper held up to the window it said " Hi ".

Oh gosh I feel like Taylor freaking swift. In her song/video .'You belong with me.

I wave and close my curtain. Rude yes but do I care no, not really. And it's what Lucas Till did on Taylors same song/video . Plus I've heard pleanty of rumours about Zach to last me a life time,


soooooooooooooo i tried I'm sorry it's not very good.


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