Is it too early?

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Laundry. I hate it. 

"You can go to bed if you want," my father said, "I'll do the rest of the laundry."

"Thank you daddy." I gave him a hug and scattered out of the laundry room. When I got upstairs, I got pajamas on, turned off my light, and grabbed my phone. It's only Saturday night, so it doesn't matter if I'm up until 3 or 4 in the morning texting Matt. Turns out, I have been texting him since 4:30 am. Throughout the night, Matt and I have been talking about the most random stuff ever. Like animals, movies, music, colors, and all the crazy bitches in our schools. 

The next day, Matt and I were texting eachother, all day long. From 11:00 am to the time that I went to bed. But, before I went to bed, he decided to call me, because both of us got tired of sending text messages back and forth. So we talked on the phone for 4 hours straight. It got so late that I had to tell Matt that I had to get to sleep before I drop dead. The next morning, I woke up at 9:20. I realized that I was super late for school. I ran downstairs to find a note on the front door.

"Liah, Called the school and said that you weren't feeling well, you are able to stay home. Me and your father would really appreciate it if you cleaned up the house a little bit. Love Mom and Dad."

I was so relieved. I walk back upstairs to find that I have 2 new texts. One from my mom and one from Matt.

"Get the note?" My mom asked.

"Good morning gorgeous" Matt said. 

First I replied to my mom, "Yeah".

"Well hello there :)"

The only replies that I've gotten was from Matt.

"How are you?"

"Sleepy, you?"


"Yeah... lol so whats up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2011 ⏰

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