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Little voices called out to him, they were muffled and slowly got more distinguished until he could make out words. He knew the voices, he just couldn't make out a face for them. So familiar yet so alien his head got dizzy just trying to pinpoint the voices, the continually moved around from place to place, calling his name like a lost child. He heed them no attention, he just silently moved throughout the dark pushing his way through to get to the light. The hands within the darkness pinched his robes hoping to pull him back into them. He ignored the pleas to have him stay. He could almost make out the light to the other side. He was so close. The closer he got , the more the darkness shrouded him.

He was almost there, he could feel the light on his face, warming him from the cold dark. When his body was completely covered with the light the darkness around him burned away giving him room to breathe again. He spread his arms letting the light ceruse him. The voices slowly faded back into nothingness. Everything was still and quiet , nothing moved, nothing dripped, nothing made a sound. He sighed in relief of the new found peacefulness. That's when he heard the voice.

"Jay!" the voice even by itself would of rose above the others. He choose to ignore it, but it got louder.

"Jay!" it yelled again. He knew the voice was the most familiar of all of them, to save himself the headache he choose to ignore it more. But the voice wouldn't give up. It yelled so loud it could of shattered glass.

"JAY!" the voice was the voice of a female. He knew that voice anywhere, and with a startling realization he turned around.

The darkness disappeared. Replaced by a stone tile circular room with walls that reached the sky. Torches lit up the room with a bright vengeance. A cold draft settled over him as he faced the person calling his name.

She stood there, in all her glory. Her short black hair slightly swaying to the soft wind. Her blue eyes filled with shock and fear .her red outfit, a crimson red in the torch light. The bracelet on her arm glinting dangerously off the walls. She was beautiful, and with every time she batted her eyelashes he fell in love with her more. She looked at him, demanding answers.

"Nya?" he asked uncertainly. "what are you doing here?'' he took a step forward, the ground seamed to shift under his weight. He decided it was in his best interest to stand still.

She spread her arms wide as if it was obvious. " If I knew would of I've had called your name?"

He gazed upon her with confused eyes, he arched his scared eyebrow. "I know how I got here." He pointed to her, " But , how did you get here?"

She dropped her arms, and looked up to the dark ceiling, her eyes squinted and looked back to him.

" I have no clue."

He went to take another step, her eyes went wide. She put her hands out as if she were attempting to stop further movement.

"JAY DON'T!" She cried. " The floor is already unstable, both of our weights is going to bring us to brake the floor. There is nothing underneath to catch us."

" How do you know that?'' He asked puzzled.

" Jay I can feel the floor under my own feet, I can tell its hollow." She said bluntly.

He took in his surroundings, calculating many things in his brain.

" The next question is... how do we get out of here?"

" Very good question, but what you should be asking is... if you can get out of here." A deep rumbling voice boomed. It seemed to come from above them. The sound bounced off the walls. The two franticly looked around hoping to find the owner of the voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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