Just a Dream

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We all want things to happen, things that maybe are totally not what other people expect from us.

when we day dream or dream on purpose is when we see our selves totally different from who we really are or not only us, we also may see people in a total different way. Am i right?

We see ourselves doing things that we may never be able to do in real life why? Because we don't have he courage to wake up and do it!

Of course maybe sometimes our dreams are supernatural or maybe impossible, that would be the only excuse of not making come true. But if that dream is in your hands to make it possible well then what are you waiting for? you are standing infront of an open door... Just MOVE.

People may be surprised of what you can do or what can happen if you are brave. come on speak to that boy or girl you've been starring at the whole day, do random thing just for fun, be who you really are because you only have one life abd it's up to you if you want to live it to the fullest.

It's your choice.... Do you want that dream to come alive or is it going to be just another dream thrown away?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2013 ⏰

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