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Watch the book trailer above.

(If you're brave enough)

"What the hell is going on?!" Calum yelled.

"Calum calm down I'm sure there's a rational explanation for this" I told him trying to calm him down.

He turned to me roughly grabbing both of my arms.
I looked into his eyes.
Complete utter horror was the emotion in his eyes.

"Cassie..we were just on the first floor at the entrance. We're in the second floor now Cassie. How did we get up here? Because we sure as hell didn't walk." He said trembling.

I don't know how we got here.
All I know is that we're not welcome here.

Oohhh god I'm creeping myself out by writing this and I cried making the book trailer last night. Because I was so scared lol.
This book is going to be very scary.
Just warning you.
And it's probably best to read this at night... *evil grin*

Hope you guys liked it.
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