The Four Hundred

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I stand here. Waiting. Butterflies in my stomach as I wait for the gun to go off. I know I'm ready but my mind tells me I'm not. Am I ready? I start to wonder if my mind is right. Then, silence. I can hear the other runners moving around getting into position. Out of habit I get into my starting position.

"On your mark!" My heartbeat increases.

"Get set!" My breathing gets faster.

I am ready.

I hear the gun shoot and I'm off before I even realize what I'm doing. Out of the corner of my eye I can see I'm catching up to the next runner. I emphasize to myself, "Don't look back. If you look back, you'll slow yourself down. The guy behind you will catch up if you look back. Don't do it. Don't look back."

I don't look back. I keep moving forward. I hear his footsteps behind me. I don't look back. I didn't do well on a test. I don't look back. I didn't get the class I want. I don't look back. The runner in the lane next to me is pulling ahead. I don't look back.

It's the back stretch. I try to persuade myself, "You can do this. Don't give up. Don't stop pushing. Don't ever stop pushing."

He pulls farther and farther ahead. Don't stop pushing. Four AP classes this year. Don't stop pushing. A full schedule with four more AP classes the year after. Don't stop pushing. I'm catching up to him. Don't stop pushing.

Last turn. I challenge my body and my mind, "Keep going. If you stop you'll lose. Don't stop. Almost there. Make sure you don't ever stop trying. Keep going."

I get closer and closer. Keep going. Two more years of high school. Keep going. College credit. Keep going. I'm right behind him. Keep going.

Sprint to the finish. My body and my mind are arguing. My body tells me to stop. My mind says keep going. My mind wins. It tries to make me forget the pain I feel in my legs, "Almost done. Don't look back. Don't stop pushing. Keep going. Don't look back. Don't stop pushing. Keep going."

One hundred meters. Don't look back. Don't stop pushing. Keep going. Freshman year. Don't look back. Don't stop pushing. Keep going. He's right next to me.

Seventy-five meters. Don't look back. Don't stop pushing. Keep going. Sophomore year. Don't look back. Don't stop pushing. Keep going. I pass him. The crowd is standing. Cheering, yelling, clapping.

Fifty meters. Don't look back. Don't stop pushing. Keep going. Junior year. I'm pulling ahead. I can hear his footsteps behind me. It's as if the crowd isn't even there.

Twenty-five meters. Don't look back. Don't stop pushing. Keep going. I pull even farther ahead. His footsteps are getting faint. The crowd's cheering gets louder.

Ten meters. Don't look back. Don't stop pushing. Keep going.Senior year. Don't look back. Don't stop pushing. Keep going. I can't hear him running anymore. The cheering from the people in the stands completely drowns out the other runner.

I cross the finish line. The crowd's roar is deafening. I can't hear my mind anymore. My body takes charge. I walk off the track, exhausted.

I was ready.

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