Personal Trainer

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"Clara don't eat that!" "Clara! Don't be lazy!" "Clara, eat some fruit, it's healthy!"
Ugh. It's always the same here. My mom is paying too much attention to my weight. I know I'm fat. Nobody has to tell me that. My mirror already does.
"Mom, you can't do anything about it, okay. I know I am fat and i will watch what i eat but just leave me alone!" "Angie, darling. I'm saying this for your own sake. I want you to be happy, my little girl." She carresed my cheek. "I know something that will help you." She said. "What?" "A personal trainer! Just for you."
Wait what does she even think?! Me? Doing sports? With someone who tells me to..move? Im laughing. "Mom im not gonna-" "Clara, don't say no without even trying first. You're going to see that trainer." She said in a strict tone of voice.
Ugh. Whatever. "I made a rendez-vous for 3pm today, so go to your room and get yourself ready." I looked at her madly and annoyed and then headed to my room.


"Ugh, mom. We have been waiting at the same place for like 30 minutes. Where is he?" "Clara, be patient. I'm sure he's almost there." I folded my arms and frowned. Then a hot, muscular guy with brown hair and a perfect smile came walking up to us.. "I'm Diego." He shook my mom's hand. "And you came for your daughter..uhh..Clara?" Damn..I never really liked my own name until i heared it come out of his mouth..No Clara shut up he's a stupid arrogant superficial guy who probably thinks the best of himself..
"Clara!" My mom whispered and punched my waist. "Oh, uh..yes. I..I am Clara. Im here to..excersise." he laughed. "Hi, I'm Diego." We shook hands. "So, can I leave you here and pick you up in like an hour?" My mom asked me. "Yes, uh, that's fine." "Okay, good luck honey."

"Then you move your arms like this....and jump up and down." "I don't think i can do that.." i said feeling stupid and unsporty. "Ofcourse you can..we'll take it slow. Follow me." He showed me the moves, step by step, and i followed him. "See you can do it!" He's nicer than i thought, actually. No no Clara you have only known him for like 2 hours get yourself together. He then did some excersises by himself and I couldn't stop looking at him..he took his shirt off and i saw sweat running down his worked out abs and back. I never thought sweating could look so sexy on someone..
"Oh...i'm sorry. I'm not used to girls being here. I will just.." he grabbed his shirt and wanted to put it on again. "It's no problem, really." I felt my cheeks turning red. He smirked at me and walked up to me until he was very close to my face. He was still out of breath because of the excersises and his eyes looked heavy. "So, it's really not a problem?" He moved my hair away and i felt his hot breath in my neck. " not." "So, it's also not a problem when i do....this.." he bit my neck and slowly sucked on it, making me go crazy. I leaned my head back, enjoying the moment. He was playing with my bra strap and wanted to undo it..but then the timer went off. Fuck. My mom is waiting for me outside now.. "I..ah..I really gotta go. mom.." "Good..but i owe you something. ;)" i smiled, then grabbed my bag and ran to my mom's car.
"So, how did your first session go?" "Good..good." I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the seat. "Really good.." "Well, well. I never thought you would be this excited about doing sports." "Me neither.."
- - THE NEXT DAY - -

My mom brought me to the gym. I went out of the car and headed to the front door of the building. Fuck. I forgot to bring my card. Hmm..maybe the back door is open. I walked towards the back of the building..when i saw someone standing against the wall. It's a young woman.. Someone was standing in front of her..a tall guy..with dark hair. "D..Diego?" I said to myself and squeezed my eyes for a better view. I sneaked closer and my eyes saw something my heart couldn't take.. it was Diego, kissing another girl. I felt a short but painful heart ache going through my body. How stupid of me, to think i actually meant something to him. But oh well..i just need to focus on my goals. I don't come here to see him.. I sneaked in through the back door and went to the place of yesterday. After a few minutes he came in through the door. "I'm sorry..I'm late because...i had to do stuff." I wanted to scream and shout and kick him..but do i have the reason to? No. But why do i feel like i do then?.. I was so close to crying, but i tried my hardest to hold back my tears. I cleared my throat. "No problem Diego." I replied, not even looking him in the eyes. He walked up to me and raised my chin with his hand so i could see nothing but his beautiful eyes staring into mine. "I everything okay?" He whispered. "Now it is.." i whispered back and pulled on his shirt a little. I don't even feel mad anymore..what's wrong with you Clara, what's going on? "Oh, really?" He smirked and stared at my lips. We both leaned in and kissed. We kissed and for a few minutes it felt like the world stopped moving and everything was okay.. He pulled his shirt off and then he pulled off mine as well. He walked up to me so i was walking backwards and he made me lay down on a treadmill to come on top of me. "Ahh..Diego..w..what about your girlfriend?" I asked trying to hold back my moans. "Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend." "But i saw you kissing with.." "Clara you should know something about me, I'm the kind of guy who makes you feel like youre on top of the world. But sooner or later, i will let you down again. That's just who I am. So tell me, do you wanna take the risk?" He whispered in my neck and stroked with his hands over my pants. I'm gonna fucking hate myself for this, but... "Hmm..y..yes! I want it, Diego, ah..i want it!" I shouted, not holding back my moans anymore. He pulled off my pants and my panties.. "Spread your legs for me." He demanded. I did what he said. He started to kiss my thighs..and went downer and downer...and then he began to eat my out softly. "Aahh..Diego! F..fuck! Fuck me! Please!" I said not believing what I just said. "Ah, Clara.." he moaned. He moved the kisses up until he reached my breasts and he sucked on them and gave them little kisses.. "Ah shit.." i groaned. "Do I have to stop, princess?" He asked teasingly. I laughed and slapped his face, as a sign for him to keep on going.. He took his pants off and pressed himself against me. "Feel how hard youre making me? And oh god we barely even started.." he said already being half way out of breath. "Hmm..I guess we should start then?" I smirked. I moved my hands to his lower parts and started to pump it up and down while he pushed two fungers into me. "Aaahh Clara, I really fucking..wanna feel you..ah, right now.." i closed my eyes and leaned my head back and my breathing became faster. He pushed my legs apart and then thrusted into me. "Gggoddd.." he groaned while his cheeks were turning red. " feel amazing! Ah!" And we kissed until we both reached our climax.

I am standing outside, waiting for my mom to pick me up and thinking about what just happened. Oh there she is..I stepped into the car. "Hey sweetheart, how was it at the gym? What have you done?" Oh nothing special. Just lost my virginity to my trainer who actually doesn't give a fuck about me. "Just what most people do at the gym..Work out and stuff.." "I got to be honest with you, I can really see your body changing, Clara. And i'm really proud of that. Just keep on going on with whatever you do, 'cause youre doing great." Oh don't worry mom, i will. I defenitely will.. ;).

Sooo this was my first one-shot eveeerrr😂 Tell me what you think ❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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