The Episodes

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At the tender age of twelve, the shadows whispered to me, revealing a chilling truth: I was not alone within my own skin. Two souls, locked in a macabre dance, shared residence within me. Before this eerie revelation, I was merely a forgetful child, lost in the fog of my own mind.

You see, each soul within me claimed dominion over its own memories, leaving me adrift in a sea of confusion. Before I reached my tenth year, I found myself dragged through the halls of psychiatric hospitals and into the lairs of local mystics, desperate for answers to my strange affliction. None could decipher the enigma that was me.

The seizures would strike like a curse, freezing me in place as I hummed an unearthly melody, my eyes fixed on unseen horrors. A suffocating heat would engulf me, and my vision would blur into blinding white. To the outside world, I appeared serene, but within, a battle raged for control of my very being.

When the torment subsided, it signaled one of two outcomes: either one soul had relinquished its hold, or I had wrested control back from the abyss. The transition was a twisted ballet, occurring at least three times a day, and on the darkest of days, as many as five.

In moments of clarity, I would hear whispers of deeds I had no memory of committing, denying them as the fabrications of a fractured mind. Yet, my protests fell on deaf ears, leading me to the doors of countless 'healing' sanctuaries, where they attempted in vain to exorcise the demons that plagued me.

'Is it all an act?' my father would question, his voice heavy with doubt. But my mother, with a haunted gaze, would silence him with a single glance, a silent reminder of the horrors that had haunted me since infancy. Yes, she was right; the signs had always been there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to claim me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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