chapter 1- I'm back!

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I looked at the calendar that was placed on the table beside me. "YES! TOMORROW I WILL BE GOING TO SCHOOL!" Just then the nurse and my parents walked into the patient room of mine.
"My beautiful daughter, are you feeling alright?"my mother asked. I smiled and nodded. Dad kissed my forehead, "I'm sorry my dear, your mother and I have to go to work tomorrow,so we can't pick you up to school. I called my chauffeur to pick you up instead." "It's okay." They smiled and left the room. The nurse passed me a note:

Hey Kim Sejong! Do you remember me? I'm your best friend!! Anyway you will see me tomorrow. Rest well 😉

Oh! Haha... Its from Sohye. I kept the note, can't wait for school tomorrow!


My body shook back and forth with a little pressure. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and stared at the nurse. "Miss Sejong, get ready for school. Your breakfast is here as well. The chauffeur will be arriving in an hour." I nodded and she left the room. I stared at the clock, wow, it's only 6:30a.m. school starts at 8:30a.m. I grabbed my spoon and fork and gobbled down on my food as I got ready.

I carried my school bag and stared at the mirror. I miss this uniform! The nurse brought me to the taxi stand where a black Lamborghini was. A man wearing a suit nodded and hopped into the driver's seat. "Thank you nurse for taking great care of me for a year.I really appreciate it! Goodbye!!" The nurse waved as I entered the passenger seat.

We arrived at 8:10. I saw many students ts staring at the Lamborghini. I stepped out of the car and bowed to the driver. All the students mouth dropped open wide. "KIM SEJONG IS BACK!!"someone yelled. I heard a familiar voice that I seriously hate, "What? ARE U FUKIN KIDDING ME?!!" She pushed through the crowd and stood in front of me. She smirked, "My 'good' friend is back in this amazing school!" I chuckled and folded my arms, "Park Soyeon. Nice to see you in hell." Before she could respond, I walked towards the gate of the school not caring if she was in front of me. I ended up nudging her away. "YAH! SEJONG DO YOU WANT TO.." I plucked in my earphones and listened to Twice.
Soon I reached my class. I breathed in and stepped inside. Everyone turned and stared at me. "SEJONG?" Im Nayoung looked at me I smiled, "I'M BACK PEOPLE!!" They clapped and 9 familiar girls ran up to be and cuddled me tight. Nice to see: Mina, Nayoung, Pinky, Chungha, Yeunjung, Doyeon, Yoojung, Sohye and Chaeyeon. Mina slapped my bag, "KIM SEJONG WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? I WAITED FOR A YEAR!!!" I laughed. "Where do I seat?" They pointed to a girl that I did not know. "Your sitting beside Jeon Somi. She transferred here when you were still in the hospital." I walked towards my desk and sat on my chair. She was writing her diary I guess? She had brown and amber hair. "Hey, I'm Kim Sejong!" She turned and smiled, "Hai! Yep I am Somi." We shook hands. She looked like am angel. She had hazel eyes that sparkled, her skin was fair and she had soft pink lips. I stared at her until... "Good morning class!" I quickly shift my gaze to the teacher and listened to his boring class.
"RING..." Everyone stuffed their homework in their bags. When I wanted to hang out with my friends, they left with Somi. I sighed.
I decided to go to the music room to sing. I tur ed on the mic and played Yanghwa Bridge by Zion.T.
While singing, it felt like someone was watching me. Thats strange. But I ignored it and continue till I finished the song. I was still disappointed that my friends did not hang out with me... I shook it off and decided to go to the roof to get some fresh air...
I walked up the stairs and was finally on the roof. "No... Why.." I heard a girl sobbing. I looked behind and saw a familiar girl. Is that Somi? I ran towards her. "Hey, are you alright?" She shook her head, her eyes we're puffy. "What happened?" "I...I can't... can't tell you." I patted her back gently in concern. "Its alright. I promise I won't tell anyone." She finally gave in and stared at me. "Ever since my mother passed away last year, my dad had drinking problems and started gambling. He would always lose the bet and waste all his bank money. Now he even steals mine. Just now I received a call saying that we havent pay our rent for 5 months. Now I have nowhere to stay... I was afraid that all the students would look down on me as this is a school where there are many rich students." A tear trickled down her cheek. I smiled, "You can stay at my place!" She was shock, "No I can't. I would be a burden to your family and I just met you today." I shook my head, "Don't worry. My parents would understand and their kind! We can get to know each other better as well." Somi thought about it and finally agreed. I drinned from ear to ear as I wrapped my left arm around her waist. "KAJA!"

Hey guys! That was my first fanfic. I hoped you liked it. Sorry if there we're spelling or grammar mistakes. Sorry if it's short .😢 Please vote and comment if you want me to make chap 2. 😊

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