L one-shot for suzumeofanime

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Name: suzu wakeshima

Looks: waist-length black hair, emerald green eyes, 5'2"

Wears: whatever the reader wants

Past: abandoned by parents at age two. adopted by an old married couple and then ran away(they treated u like a slave), then being taken in by Light's parents and starting to work on the Kira case. Became L's assistant.

Okay, story is starting now!

"Light?" you asked, knocking lightly on his door. There was no answer, so you tried to open the door. It was locked. "LIGHT!" you screamed. He finally opened the door. "Yes?" he asked, obviously annoyed. You brushed past him and sat in the chair by his desk. "You know, there are some promises you made!" you said angrily. Light put up his hands in defense. "Whoa! Don't get so angry! Why can't Sayu help you, anyway?" he asked. You clenched your teeth. Everybody loved Light: Smart, handsome, role model. You used to like him too. Actually, you used to have a huge crush on him. But he was so rude and reclusive lately, you were slowly drawing away from that.

"One: she's not home. Two: she has no idea how to do this homework!" you half-yelled. He was really starting to get on your nerves. "Fine, I'll help you," he said, sighing. "Good! Seeing as you told your mother that you would. We wouldn't want to go breaking our promise, do we?" you asked innocently. Light's eye twitched. Hmm... there was something he felt guilty about. Light sat down, and you started looking around for a pen. You started to open a drawer in his desk. "NO! SUZU, STOP!" Light screamed. You looked up, startled. "Um... is there something wrong, Light?" you asked.

Light was breathing heavily. You noticed something move, and you looked behind you. You gasped; standing there was a huge monster, staring down at you with its pointy teeth gleaming. You looked back at Light and pretended not to notice anything. Light was looking over your shoulder, signaling furiously. Then, the monster spoke, and it took all of your energy not to scream. "Hmm? Light, what a pretty little girl you have here. Does she notice me?" the voice asked. I stared blankly and Light and said, "Well? Are you going to help me with my homework or not?" Light shook his head. You stood up. "Well, fine! Don't help me then! I'll just go figure it out with Sayu later." Light shook his head furiously. "I wasn't shaking my head at you! I was... oh, just get out!"

You did so, furious. You stomped down to the police station to see L. "L?" you called through the station. You found him sitting in his usual awkward position, eating a chocolate/strawberry cake. He was dressed in his everyday outfit: baggy white shirt and jeans. His bags under his eyes didn't match the happy look on his face and the sparkling eyes. He looked up. "Hmm? What is it?" You blushed. You really liked L. But he just treated you like another police officer. Not even like a friend! "Um... I was just at Light's house. I was trying to get him to help me with my homework... and he started acting really weird. He screamed when I got near a drawer in his desk... and you're not going to believe what happened next!" you said. L nodded. "Go on." You tried to smile. "I'm not even sure it was real, but... behind me was a giant monster. And it was talking to Light, asking if I noticed him. I pretended I didn't. Then Light yelled at me and told me to get out... do you think I'm going crazy?" I asked. Hopefully, he'd say no.

"Hmm. Very interesting... no, I don't think you're going crazy." I sighed. "Thanks, but I don't think that explains a thing, really." L finished hischocolate /strawberry cake. "Umm... suzu?" he asked, and your heart perked. He usually just called you wakeshima or nothing at all. "Yes, L?" you asked at calmly as you could. "Could you... possibly get me more cake?" he asked, grinning sheepishly. You sighed. "Do you ever stop eating cake?" you asked, but went to get him more. You couldn't find any at all. "THERE'S NO CAKE!" you yelled. L yelled back. "CAN YOU GO BUY SOME?" You stared at him in disbelief. "Sure. I just thought I was your assistant, not your maid!" Then you stormed out of the police station. No one wanted you anywhere today.

"Can I, um, have a strawberry cake?" you asked. "Oh, and can you personalize it?" The person behind the counter nodded. "And what would you like us to write on it?" You bit your lip, and blurted out something that you never would have done if you had been thinking clearly. "'I love you, L!'" you said. She looked a little surprised, but nodded and went to get a cake. You mentally slapped your forehead. "Oh, I'm so stupid. I can't give him that cake!" you mumbled. She came out with the cake. "Here you go! That will be seventeen dollars!" You fished the money out of your wallet and numbly took the cake. You hurriedly went into another shop and bought a plain cake to give L.

"Here's your cake!" you said, handing L the plain cake. He looked at the extra one in your arms. "What's that one for?" he asked curiously. You blushed. "Oh! This one's for me... and don't look at it!" you warned. If he saw it, you were dead. You opened the box carefully. L got up, claiming he was going to the bathroom. "I thought he would probably ask me to bring him a bathroom," you mumbled to yourself. You opened the cake and looked at it carefully. It was beautiful. The words were in perfect cursive green frosting, your favorite color. You had gotten a strawberry cake, but it had white frosting with green flowers. You wanted to cry. You would never eat it.

"Interesting," a voice said from over your shoulder. You jumped and hurriedly closed the box. "Was that for me?" L asked, looking at the cake. You blushed furiously. "Maybe," you whispered. L made you turn around. "And you didn't give it to me? Why?" he asked, as if he were asking why you didn't tell him you were simply going to take a day off. "Um. I got scared," you whispered lamely. L smiled. "No reason for that, now is there?" he asked, and placed his lips on yours. You were startled at first, but then gently responded. L ended the kiss, and smiled. "You could have just told me, you know. You didn't have to buy me a cake." He sat down next to you, and you ate the cake together.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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L one-shot for suzumeofanimeWhere stories live. Discover now