The Jerk & I : 1

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OK, I know that I didn't exactly wait for responses for The Jerk and I story. It's because I just came up with it and I didn't want it to be forgotten and before i knew it, it was uploaded! Just to make things clear: the prologue was THE END. Like a prediction I guess of the end of this story. I'm just starting at the START START. So yeah, I hope that's not too confusing! I hope you guys all liked the prologue but now onto the story. I'm still wondering how to work my way around the plot and everything so if any of my current ideas suck just shout out to me or tell me what would be better. Please comment and vote! Thanks!




I ran through the already empty corridors of my school. Dang, why was I always late. It's because of your stupid brothers, a voice screamed in my head. I shook my head and put more power in my run. I tried to skid on my shoes when I reached my locker but I just ended up falling over on my side. Ow, carpet burn! My cream, sling bag spilled out its contents over the boring and plain, green carpet. I'm later than I need to be! Suddenly I heard footsteps.

Oh shoot. I hope it's not Ms. Ferreral, that old, short-skirt wearing teacher scared the hell out of me. I looked up a little and I saw black school shoes, phew, only a student! I pushed myself up but before I was able to lift myself a slender hand thrust my school diary in front of my face. I looked up at the student's face and was not pleased who I saw holding my diary.

He shook his blonde hair, causing a stray strand to fall over his mesmerizing grey-blue eyes. I snatched my red diary out from his hands and he slipped a hand in his grey pocket. He extended a hand for me to take. Right, yeah, because I would accept help from Mr. Jerk over here.

He was Adam Kingsley. Every girl swooned at his "hotness" and "coolness". His grades were by far the best in the grade; he was strong, calm, musical, sporty, outgoing and of course, loaded. They all called him 'King' because of his status and his "befitting" last name.

Nevertheless I raised my hand to reach his and then he put that extended hand of his and into his other pocket. This is why I hate him. I groaned and pulled myself up, collecting my other belongings. I shoved them into my bag and walked back over to my locker.

"I've never seen a girl stack it as worse as you," he chuckled. Hearing his voice was . . . unexplainable. It was soft and calm, not too high or deep and it sounded really hot.

Think of something smart. Think of something smart. "I've never seen . . . " God, why can't I think of a good comeback? I'm usually good at this!

"A face as handsome as mine?" He continued.

I looked up at him annoyed when I unlocked my lock. "I'd hardly call that handsome. Annoying more like," I retorted. Yeah, get into the zone Cass!

"Ooh, feisty. I love it when girls feel like kicking me. It's so . . . amusing," he said coolly.

"You know what else would be amusing?" I asked rhetorically. I was about to answer my own question when he did.

"You and me together?"

I made a disgusted noise as I collected my English books. Miss Taylor will kill me! "No. It would be amusing if you got out of my site."

"Please, I'd hardly be doing you a favor. Looking at me is amusing enough, isn't it?" He asked cockily.

I took a deep breath as I slammed my locker shut. I didn't care about my pride right now. I just know I was REALLY late to class. I stood up straight and walked quickly. It was a shame he was in the same direction as the door. I wouldn't be able to leave without bumping into him and his massive ego. As I did walk past him though I gave him my famous death stare and hurried off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2009 ⏰

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