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Chapter 1: The Cast away Dragon

Once long ago deep in the forest of the dark mountains, there was a small village called Moonstone. The only things that lived in this village were dragons. All of the dragons had special abilities. The romantic thing about dragons that's different from us mortals. Is that they only fall in love, once or twice. When their love is not a dragon they can give them half their life so they are able to live as long as them. The reason why is, human lives are like just a few seconds compared to theirs.

But one of the dragons stood out from all the rest. His name was Skardale. He was only fourteen years old. He had the ability to shape shift into anything he wanted. He chose to be a mere mortal when he wasn't required to be in dragon form. The reason he chose the mortal form was because he is half mortal.

The other dragons don't like when he becomes a mere mortal. They argue with him about his form. "Why do you have to be a mere mortal?" one would say. Another argues "Mortals are so ugly and they can't fly." "Why do you want to be something so ugly when you are so beautiful with your blue-green scales?" "You are more beautiful than any other dragon here." Another would argue. Skardale would argue "I like my mortal form. I can go among other mortals and do the things they do."

So the other dragons decided to chase Skardale out of town. They told him to leave and never come near the village again or interfere with anything that interacts with them.

The villagers sent their best hunter CheKo to chase him out of the village. CheKo was well known because the meaning of his name fit him well. CheKo means ruthless, inconsiderate, and merciless. He was also their best fighter with three millenniums worth of experience.

When Skardale saw CheKo, he knew that CheKo had been sent to chase him out of the village. He flew as fast as he could to get away but CheKo was their best hunter. He had planned ahead what he was going to do. CheKo planted several traps which he knew would catch Skardale whether he was walking, running, or flying. Skardale flew right into one of the traps that CheKo set in advance to catch him. The trap was a mega thorn trap. Thwack, it hit him in the vulnerable spot all dragons have on their belly. Since the trap caught Skardale, CheKo flew faster to get to Skardale before he could escape the trap.

"Grrrrrrrrrrr" said Skardale.

What can't take the hit shape shifter?" said CheKo

"Ha! Think what you want, I knew you would plant these traps." said Skardale.

Just as he finished saying that, he let loose a fireball from his hands, swoosh. It missed hitting CheKo by just a dragon scale. He knew that by barely missing CheKo with the fireball he could cause a distraction.

But CheKo was not the target he did that purposely to distract CheKo for a little amount of time to get out of the mega thorn trap. When he got out he threw another fire ball at Cheko and hit him in the tail to distract him again. With both of the combined amounts of time, Skardale flew away at his fastest pace.

He flew to a village called Cite-Eon. The village was built between two beautiful light blue rivers. It was built there so that the people could grow their own crops. It's a village of mortals. So Skardale went to the outskirts of the village and shape shifted into a mortal.

When he was there he would go to the place where he seen them go the most. It was called the "Pub." And in this place they called the "Pub," there were a lot of them talking, eating, and stuff that mere-mortals do. But while he was there he wanted to try their food but he had no money.

In his mere-mortal form he went out and searched for a job that would bring him pay. The job he found was one that he was best at, hunting. He was good at hunting because he was a shape shifting dragon. That helped him when he got used to his surroundings. When he hunts he chooses the majestic golden lion as the animal to become, since it was the king of the jungle. So he shape shifts into a majestic golden lion. While he was in his lion form he saw a herd of golden brown deer.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2013 ⏰

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