Christmas Miracles

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Trying One shots. I don't care that it's to far from christmas! OH WELL... enjoy. Anyways, hope everybody had a happy School Year, mines about to end in about 4 weeks! YAHOO! Comment below please on what you think of my one shot. Anyways happy early christmas!


Snow glowing in the pure white it was as it continued to fall upon the stone ground, my body felt so heavy from guilt as the recollection of my memories with Ur and Lyon played with my head. Lights stood on post by many as the couples giggled with each other, and some women cried, while men just stood their grief stricken. 

Although the laughter covered the cries. As fake santa's jingled the bells for donations I reached into my pocket that was warm by my small amount of body heat. I took out some of my change placing it in the bin as the metal clashed against the red bucket.

"Thank you for your donation sir," the santa smiled at me. His cheeks were red from the cold, or make up, not exactly sure, but he was shivering.

"Yeah," I ran forward from him, I felt some what selfish. Even though I had a full wad of jewels from missions, I wanted it for some good alcohol. Though every now and then I would share some spare jewels to feel some what content. 

But no matter what it was, happiness that was supposed to be felt around this season never appeared to come for me. I glanced up and around the town square. A fog of warm air exited my mouth in a sigh, as I glanced up from the warm scarf Juvia had made for me giving me the warmth that I don't deserve.

The glowing lights read, "1 Free Spiked Egg Nog, Merry Christmas,"  I sighed as a small smile formed on my lips. My mouth watered in anticipation for the only warm thing about this season. 

"Thank goodness," I whispered from under my breath as I ran towards the bar, my coat shuffling from every bounce my body had made from my feet touching the snow covered ground. Shuffling as I entered the warm bar, the cold on my back as I shut the door. Some glanced while others continued to drink uninterested.

Kicking my shoes as the snow collapsed on the rug, the bartender smiled because he wouldn't have to pick up my mess. The voices and laughter continued as it was rather packed tonight, rather than that, they were all around a person. I tried to get up there, as I heard the familiar high pitched voice of my pink haired rival cracking jokes as some men even laughed, others gave chuckles as I turned to leave or at least try to hide until he leaves.

"Well I better get going," his voice sounded reluctant, though I guess he knew his limit. Many around the boy left back to there seats as I quickly took a seat from another side of the bar. Though I kept a close ear.

"Anything I can get you, Gray," Roy questioned me as he was scrubbing a glass dry with a wash cloth. I always come to this bar when I have hardships, and this man was nice enough to drive me home every time I got to drunk to even walk. Even though I burdened him, he never asked for anything in return the next day, he would always say, "I'll give this as your gift." 

"The original," I smiled at him as he nodded running off to get the spiked egg nog, he even convinced the bar owner to give me one free glass of my favorite. I glanced back at the pink haired rival of mine. A man was next to him, his cheeks were rather red with intoxication. 

Even though Natsu was disgusted by the man, he still smiled at him with kind oblivious eyes. Natsu even tried to kindly push the man away with words and such. Trying to avoid in getting into any action for the christmas season. 

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