Chapter One

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The rain is pouring heavily as the sleek black car rolls through the green hills of Western England. Inside the car sits a young girl. Though young in looks, she proves to be very mature, though features some special qualities that many overlook, that few actually take notice. Her eyes warily watch the scenery roll by as rain drops slide down the window next to her. As she sighs, leaning her forehead against the cool glass, her breath forms a circle of moisture.

Lifting her hand, she draws a small love-heart on the glass, filling it in. She stares intently, watching the whiteness, draw closer to the heart before swallowing it whole. Her bubblegum lips purse, frowning at the spot where her heart disappeared so suddenly.


She was sitting up straight within a second, her hair bouncing. "Yes?"

"We've arrived."

Her head lifted, glancing out at the huge, old English building which was Danforth Ridge Boarding School. A boy was waiting right beside the hedges that lined the fence as her car came to as stop. Through the thick rain, he was staring at her from under his huge black umbrella, in complete awe at the beautiful young woman that was seated before him.

She beckoned him forward from inside the car and he shuffled forwards, opening her door for her. She held out her hand, and taking it, he assisted her out of the car. The look on her beautiful face was enough to tell that she was less than thrilled to be back at this place.

Tugging her fur coast over her dress, she turned around, "Malcolm, take my bags to the foyer and they'll redirect you to my room..." A second passed before she smiled sweetly, a small dimple appearing on her right cheek, "And thank you."

As soon as she turned, the smile had vanished, and she began to walk towards the large building. The boy with her hurried to keep up, stretching his arm out so that his umbrella covered her as she walked graciously through the rain. Reaching the two double doors, she pulled her white lace gloves higher on her wrists, before grabbing both handles and turning them simultaneously.

"Hello, welcome to Danforth Ridge, can I help you with anything?"

The girl turned, raising her eyebrow curiously at the woman who sat behind the front desk, a fake smile settled on her face. "Oh," She walked slowly forward, "I'm a student here, as of today."

The woman blinked, taking in the girl. She definitely didn't look like a student, not at all. Her blonde hair was curled in a fashion that framed her face perfectly, sitting just below her shoulders. However, her roots where a medium shade of brown and her deep chocolate eyes sparkled in an peculiar way. Her attire was nothing of a student, let alone a teenager. Her square cut pink dress came just above her knees, though half-concealed by a heavy fur coat, that showed of her lace gloves.

"Really?" The woman asked, disbelieving.

"Really." The girl repeated, a sugary sweet smile upon her lips.

"Have you, uh," The woman was taken back for a second with this girls confidence, "Have you ever attended Danforth before?"

"Oh yes," the girl clapped her hands together, "A few years ago actually. I've since left, but  I'm sure quiet a lot of students would remember me."

"Ah," The woman nodded, quite sure that the students would of course remember someone with such a bold personality, "Now, what year did you attend until?"

"Two years ago." The girl leaned against the counter, resting her head on her hand, though still watching intently.

After a short amount of time, the woman had a profile up on her computer. Though from retrieving it from deleted records, nothing remained besides from the girl's smiling face on her ID picture which was taken only a few years ago.

"Okay, I'm going to need your details again," The woman said, not looking up and missing the girls small eye roll as she set up the profile, "Birthday?"

"13th of December." She whispered, her eyes wandering the grand foyer, quickly becoming bored. She was cold, tired and in immediate need of a warm bubble bath.

Typing the details in, the woman asked another question, "Age?"


"Where do you live?"


"And who do you live with?"

There was a pause as the girl pursed her lips, thinking briefly before answering, "My Aunt."

The woman nodded, her eyes raising to look at the girl before she asked her final question. "And finally my dear, what is your name?"

It seemed as if the girl regained her character, her normal composure returning as suddenly as she lost it. She straightened her back, blinking her long eyelashes proudly, her chocolate brown eyes sparkling unusually.

"Victoria. Victoria Eldridge."


Hello fans! :*

This is a repost of the first chapter of Primadonna (A novel I started last year but took off Wattpad)

I found it in my documents and I'm definitely interested in finishing the story, as long as I eventually remember what my detailed plot was haha!

Hope you all enjoyed, leave a vote and comment if you did! :)

love always,

Molly x

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