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Hiyori scanned through Yukine's workbook. She handed it back to him after correcting it.

"You got most of these problems wrong. You need to redo them."

Yukine gave a heavy sigh, resting his head on his hand. A suspicious-looking lump sat behind him. Hiyori gave Yukine a concerned look.

"Is something bothering you, Yukine?"

"Yeah," Yukine admitted, no longer able to hide his annoyance. Hiyori swore she saw the lump twitch. "Every time I turn my back, something of mine has been stolen! It's like I'm continually being robbed! My snack stash is almost completely gone!"

The lump finally gave way and a head popped out from under the tightly snug blanket. "I was only borrowing stuff..." The almighty Yato god pouted like a child.

Yukine jumped up, turning around in anger. "Like you'd give it back! Last time I checked, borrowing means you intend to return it!"

Yato got out of the blanket and crossed his arms. "I didn't say when I'd return it, did I?"

Daikoku entered the room, carrying a tray of tea. "If I hear one more word out of you Yato, I really will kick you out. Let the kid be, will ya?" He set down cups of tea by Hiyori and Yukine.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." Yato mumbled, rolling his eyes as Daikoku headed back into the kitchen. Yato's cell phone began to ring, and he immediately picked up. "Hi there, this is Yato's delivery service, how may I help you??" Yato paused, then nodded knowingly. "Alright, I'll be there soon, take care!" He hung up, a stupid grin spreading across his face.

"So what's the job?" Yukine asked wearily. "Please don't say it's dog sitting again..."

Yato smiled even bigger. "Nope! I guess some lady was really stressed about finding people to help run some of her stalls for a festival, so we're gonna help her out!"

"Us, running a stall?!" Yukine said in surprise. "But we don't even look like adults!" He argued. "How are we supposed to pull it off?"

"Yukine's got a point, Yato...there's no way they'll accept you." Hiyori agreed. Especially with your level of maturity, she added silently.

Yato rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He suddenly got an idea. "I know! We can bring Daikoku! He definitely looks like an adult, there's no way they'd turn us away if we're with him!"

"No offense but Daikoku...might give off the wrong impression." Hiyori shifted in her spot anxiously. Like we're trying to rob the place or something, she thought with a sigh. "Besides, there's no way he'd agree--"

"Ooh, a festival??" Kofuku popped in randomly. She pranced over to Yato, tackling him with a hug from behind. "That sure sounds like fun! Can I come Yatty, oh please??"

"No, you're staying here Lady Kofuku. If you went it'd turn into a disaster zone." Daikoku said in a stern tone, having heard them from the kitchen.

"Aww, you're no fun..." Kofuku whined. "I just wanna go somewhere!!"

"Sorry, but I can't let you ruin this job for me, Kofuku." Yato stood up suddenly. Kofuku looked like she was about to start sulking. "However," Yato continued, and she perked up. "I'm sure Daikoku could use a bit of time off. And why not spend it with his two favorite buddies, huh?" Yato raised his eyebrows expectantly.

Kofuku's eyes watered. "How could I have been so selfish?!" She sobbed. "I'm sorry Daikoku! Wahhh!"

Daikoku came into the room, confused. "Sorry about what Lady Kofuku?!"

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