Chapter 1

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They're Here

Mai's Pov
It was noon by the time me and Naru finished the job, Lin had to stay home because Naru gave him a task so it's just me and Naru. Of course Masako, John Ayako, and Bou San are here!
Even Ms. Madoka stopped by!! What we were facing a poltergeist but nothing we couldn't handle!
We had finally cleaned everything up and we're heading home when Naru stopped all of us. With Masako by his side tired from the already over day. "We have some bad news, Masako had a vision- werid yes but I myself have felt it. Everyone I want you to stay in your house surround yourselfs in barricades of talismans that I'm getting from Hosho. If you would please give them to me now." He demanded. Bou San nodded giving him 20 to 45 talismans. "If you don't want to get hurt or even worse killed I'd suggest stay in your house until the morning, somethings coming we don't know why or for what, but it could possibly even be here right at this second. That's all your all dismissed." Naru said passing each of us talismans and then walking into the van. I bowed and ran to the van.
Once I got dropped off at the office I walked home, but wary of what Naru said. 'What could possibly be after us? Ugh whatever this is such a pain!' I whined and walked into the house that for some reason had the lights off. "That's strange it's still 8:00 they should still be awake at this tim-" that was when I heard a blood curdling scream. I ran inside turning on the lights of the living room to see my family there petrified. My father and older brother were at least the most unlikeliest people I would spot scared so it was pretty surprising my mother not so much but my 24 year old cousin peed himself. Wow... Could it be that thing Naru mentioned? *feels wind* I turned shocked and scared 'Is it here?!' I thought. 'I know I felt something!!' But it was just the windows, it was windy outside so that must be it. I turned back to my family smiling. "What's wrong guys? There's nothing there." I said slightly giggling. That was when my cousin who was mustering up courage to point across the room. "T-they have been waiting for you.." He sobbed. I turned in shock but before I could even 90° angle turn, I blacked out. When I woke up my family was still sobbing. It seemed we were in our basement. 'We have to find a way to escape. But we don't even know where they are, nor if they're even here..' All of of a sudden I felt a chill- they're in here with us! We've been waiting Mai. In anger I yelled, 'What do you want with us?!' We don't want them we want you. We've been hunting your family down for centuries and now we found you! 'But why me?' I asked/thought. It seems your family hasn't told you. 'Who even are you?' I wondered. You can think of us as your worse nightmare. HAHAHAHAHAH. They laughed. And all of a sudden I couldn't sense them anymore. 'Did they leave? Wait who cares now is my chance!' I pulled out my phone that I have been secretly stashing in my black vintage boot. There it was my red cellphone blaring into my slightly teared eyes. I quickly dialed Naru's number and he answered.
Naru: What do you need?
He said in harsh bored tone.
Me: Help! Me and my family are trapped in our basements! *the sound of her family sobbing*
Naru: Ok, we're on our way hang on!
Me: Ok hurry before they co-
I was interrupted by the sound of creaking stairs.. 'Oh no they're coming!'
They said screaming and grabbing my arms.
Me: Naru HUR-
The phone call ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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