Fall From Grace

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Sequel to Flash

Peter Watson thought he finally had his perfect world. He fell in love, he had friends, he knew what he wanted. He wanted a life with Grace. A Peter and Grace life, one they both wanted. He could've been a photographer and she could've been a small town wedding singer. They could've lived a simply perfect life, one without heartbreak and sorrow and regret. Peter could've been happy.

But that entire world crumbled.

Peter can't forgive himself. He ruined his perfect world. He ruined his life with Grace. He is a murderer. That can never change.

His life in the North Carolina Mental Institution is driving him to insanity, though many believe he has already reached that point. He sits in his room, playing checkers or watching soap operas or reading the same three books day after day. Only the scarce visits from Grace make him happy.

That is until a new patient joins Peter at the hospital. Full of life and stories to tell, Emery Brien brings a smile to Peter's face, one he usually only gets when Grace comes around. Suddenly, Peter's world isn't so lonely anymore.

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