Luke and Darren

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Luke: Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, 5'11, jock.

Darren: Brown hair, brown eyes, 5'6, nerdy/geeky ish.


Luke's p.o.v

Im going to puke. I can't do this, nope I can't, I'm just gonna go home, and hide in my blanket and watch reruns of glee. I turned towards the locker room exit, intent on leaving.

"Luke calm down, there's nothing to worry about, it's like a normal football game." My best friend, Casper said. I stared at him in disbelief.

"A normal game. Ha. There's so many scouts out there Casper, this is the only chance we have at getting a scholarship to college." I said, exasperated.

"I know, and your going to do fine you just have to calm down okay."

"Fine" I huffed, knowing he was right. I needed to relax.

The locker room door soon opened. And a small figure, stuck it's head in.

"Is it all clear to come in?" The voice squeaked. A smile instantly took over my face, as I recognize the voice.

"Yeah, come in" Casper called.

The door opened the rest of the way, and Darren, along with Josh made there way through the locker room.

Darren made his way into my arms, his short figure fit perfectly in my arms.

"Hi" he said softly.

"Hey" I whispered back. Darren is my boyfriend, we've been together since the end of the summer time, after my junior year. Darren had moved here, at the very end of my junior year, he had lived right next to my best friend, Casper's house. Always being over at Casper's gave me the chance to see, his beautiful face all summer long. After a whole summer of hanging out I finally got the courage to ask him out before senior year. Now at the end of senior year, me and Darren are still together.

"As much as I love seeing the love in your eyes for each other every time you see one another, we really need to go and meet up with the team." Casper said softly.

"I love you, be careful...please" Darren spoke. I nodded my head, leaning down and connecting our lips in a soft kiss.

"I love you too" I whispered.

"OK we really need to go, Luke" Casper said.

Josh and Darren soon left the locker room. Leaving me and Casper.

"Come on bud" Casper said, he grabbed my arm and we left the locker room.

*skip game, because I honestly don't know sh*t about football, other than guys have nice butt's in them pants ;)*

We won. Omg we won. We won our final high school game. We all gathered around on the field, chanting about our victory.

I was chanting with one of my other mates, as Darren came and jumped on my back, kissing my cheek.

"Congrats" he whispered in my ear.
I laughed, setting him down, and turning around. I picked my baby up, wrapping his legs around my waist. He giggled, while placing kisses all over my face.

Someone cleared there throat behind me, making Darren and me stop our little session.

"Um hello, are you Luke Coy?" The guy asked.

"Um yeah, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Steve Jones, I'm a scout from UCLA, and we're hoping to see you soon" he said, before handing me his card, then left.

"Omg, this is my dream school" I yelled. Darren giggled, and resumed kissing my face.

Soon my family found me on the field, and congratulated me on winning our big game.

After the game, I walked to my truck, with Darren on my back. With him giggling the whole way.

We spent the rest of the night at my house, cuddling, sharing kisses, and just enjoying each other's company.

Well here the first one shot!!!

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