1:All you need to know about Jidy-Jidy

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Dedicated to @CharlieTango-o
Highest ranking in science fiction -#29
In case you don't believe, the screenshot is above.;)

In the whole universe, out of a million different spiralling galaxies, I had to be born in GKD-77 stellar system.

And what's even worse?

I had to be an inhabitant of planet Jidy-Jidy.


Who in the whole wide inter - galactic system would name their planet as Jidy-Jidy?

Might as well go and jump off the ledge of the ever widening universe, rather than die of embarrassment in front of our co-aliens.

Aliens? I thought aliens were a God damn myth? A Jidian living in the age of pre - historical Jidian era might wonder.

With the recent development in our scientific equipments, we were able to discover inhabitants in other planets of our star system too.

Our star, the Derios, is the major source of energy for the 33 planets.

The nearest star, the Auter, is 222 light years away.

So how did we discover the so called 'aliens', you may ask.

The 33 planets are at different distances from the Derios. So the light travelling from the Derios strikes different planets at different rates. Each planet's inhabitants were camouflaged due to this ' Derios Effect ' and all we had to do was create an instrument which could measure the amount of light falling on a particular planet and alter it according to the visual capability of a Jidian.

Sounds simple, right?

If that was simple for you to understand, I swear you could decipher the universal code to ever expanding universe.

Well, you can't blindly believe that the universe is ever expanding. This is just a theory by the renowned scientists from our planet.

If you ask the same question to our neighboring planet Etrepoia (that is one Trill of a name for a planet, ain't it?) , they have a theory that the universe is static.

What is Trill?

Well, you would go to Trill if you are nefarious and to Treaven if you are a Jidian with moral good, after you turn a thousand years old.

Not like the two places are different or something.

Trill and Treaven are basically the two satellites for our planet, and after turning a thousand years , Jidians are shipped to either of the satellites.

But corrupt officials and rich celebrities are shipped to Treaven, however wicked they maybe. So basically, Treaven is overflowing with blasphemous people, as of now.

This implies that Traven or Trill is basically for namesake. No special treatment for the Jidians on either of it.

"Calyx...is Ms.Calyx Wayde here?" a female Jidian called out.

I raised my hand, after a long wait.

"Mr. Richards wants to see you now, ma'am. Come with me. "

She guided me through a group of Jidians staring surreptitiously at me.
They whispered something quietly among themselves.

I was used to this kind of weird stares from people. You know why?

I guess I haven't told you the main part yet.

Other than male and female Jidians , we have two more types living on our planet.

The male hujids and female hujids .

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