Chapter 1

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I've always had a hard time adjusting to life. I've been this way as long as I can remember. Ever since I was 9 years old. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It was hard growing up with that. Kids used to make fun of me for it. My parents never knew how to help me. I'd scream and cry almost every night telling them that I've seen things. They would just think I was being dramatic and paranoid. That was until I saw a Doctor. Actually multiple doctors. My parents didn't know how to help me and honestly I didn't think they wanted to. They just ignored it after a few years. I'm 25 years old now. My parents are gone and it's just me now. My best friend Amy doesn't know about my illness. She doesn't know about my past and I'd like to keep it that way. When my parents died, she was the only there for me. It's all such a blur of how my parents died. All I remember is hearing screams and then everything went dark. I was found in the closet by a police officer named Michael. I was 13 years old at the time. I try to remember what happened but my memory won't let me. Amy has asked multiple times but I can't get myself to remember or its just maybe I don't want to remember. I live in a two bedroom, one bath apartment. I work as a bartender downtown. I'm a skinny, blonde haired and deep blue eyes girl. I never really thought I was really pretty but most of the guys buying drinks have told me otherwise. I work from 4:00pm to 11:00pm at night. There long hours but I don't really mind. I always get great tips.

" Gracie, baby mind pouring a few more shots of whiskey for my boys and I?" John asked

John was my favorite customer. He always came in with a big wad of cash. He would stay from the time he got off work till the time the bar closed which was at 1:00am.

" Of course John anything for you" I said pouring him and his buddies another round of shots

" You're the best Gracie" John smiled


It was finally a 11:00pm when I got off. It was only a short walk to my apartment which I didn't mind. The street lights lit just enough for me to see which way to  go. After such a long day, I couldn't wait to get under the covers and fall asleep. The farther I walked the more chilly it got. Damn me for not bringing a jacket. I was wearing a short black dress and black heels. My hair in perfect curls and my makeup done to perfection. I started to feel my eyes seeing things that I didn't know if it was my imagination or my schizophrenia kicking in. I do take medication but it went in and out of working so you never know if it's going to work or not. A man in a suit appeared in front of me maybe like 10 inches away. I couldn't see his face which did scare me. I never tried  to come off as scared. I'm not a wuss. I'm a big girl. I can handle anything that comes my way. With myself still walking, I got closer and closer to the man. It had to be my imagination. I was exhausted. Next thing I know he's gone. I knew it was my imagination. I finally reached my apartment. I opened the door and shut it behind me. The lights were off and it was quiet as a mouse. Amy must already be asleep. I know she had school in the morning and there was no way she was going to wait up for me anymore. I quickly walked to my bedroom. Took off all my clothes and got in my silk shorts and a tank top and fell asleep.

Next thing I know someone has their hand over my mouth and is trying to keep my quiet. The duct tape came next. I fought as hard as I could when he picked me up. Kicking and hitting him as I tried to get loose. It was pitch black. I didn't know who he was. When we got outside, all I could see was him smirking. I couldn't see his eyes which was what I needed to identify him. I fought harder as he placed me in the truck of some car. He tried my hands with rope. My eyes filled with sadness. I wish someone would help me. The first time in my life in I don't know how long I was scared. He shut the trunk so fast that it hit my head knocking me out cold.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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