Hilary's Alternative

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Hilary look at the pile of college application forms that she had gotten from the school consular before she left school. She had been so busy with the bladebreakers that she had forgotten about her own future and even the idea of college was way out of her head. She liked hanging around the beyblade team and watching and helping them with their practice. But now she is a bit older and she had never really thought about her own life and what she was going to do. She filled out each form wondering if she would get accepted to these schools. Did she really want to be on the sideline of the bladebreakers battles forever? Sure she love watching them as they beybattled but still she had her own future to think about and it was no point fooling anyone, she wasn't a beyblader at all. What would the boys think about her applying to colleges? She thought about Tyson and how he reacted when the guys left the team. Would he feel the same way if she went away to college? They fought a lot sure, but she was sure he was his friend too. She sighed as she put each application into a envelop and neatly piled them into a stack as she finished.

She grabbed the stack of envelops as she walked out of her house. She put the stack into her mail box and starts to walk on to Tyson's house. All the thoughts she had before about back to her mind and her stomach start to hurt as she thought about them. She walked into the entrance to Tyson's house and said "hello" to Tyson's grandpa as she walked into the house. She wondered if she should tell the boys about her sending college applications out. She shook her head and decided it was better to bring it up at a better time.

She walked over and took her usual sit beside Kenny as he typed at his laptop as the five boys battled each other. It was to usual formation, Tyson against Max, Ray against Kai, and Daichi would choose between the winners of the two battles. Daichi was putting his beyblade through the obstacle course Kenny made for the team as he waited for the battles. It was most likely to keep him busy while the others battled. Kenny then looked up from his computer and turned to look at Hilary.

"What did the consular what at school Hilary" he asked in his quizzical way.

Hilary shrugged.

"Nothing really just asks me some questions. Some kind of student questionnaire thing, it was dumb really." She lied. "How are the guys doing?"

Kenny looked back at his laptop to type something in it.

"Pretty much the same for now, But it's good that they don't get too lazy, since there will be a tournament in a few months and they don't need to be getting rusty." Kenny explained to her as he continued to look at his laptop.

Tournament in a few months, she would be getting the letters back from her application back by then. School had just ended a month before and would continue after the tournament. Hilary thought maybe she should tell them about it.

"I win!" Tyson exclaimed happily catching dragoon in his hand.

Max sighed and picked up his beyblade from below him.

Hilary was taken out of her thoughts as she heard Tyson. She looked and saw the boys walking back over to her and Kenny.

"Did you see that chief!!?" Tyson said as he got up to Kenny.

Hilary smiled at Max as he walked up to sit next to her. She patted his shoulder and got a smile in return for her gesture.

"Yes I did Tyson; it was a great battle for both of you. Oh look of course Kai won against Ray." Kenny said as the other two boys came walking over.

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