~Rules of this book~ (MUST READ)

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Hey~ This is Panda here, and I came up with this special little idea after browsing Wattpad a lil.

So in this book, YOU, the readers, will be writing letters to the characters of Haikyuu!! or Assassination Classroom. I decided to only allow letters to these two anime/mangas because I feel like I can grasp the characters pretty well.

The rules are a bit harsh/strict, but this is only to make sure that this book will be a fun and friendly place for everyone (=゚ω゚)ノ

1) The letters can be about almost anything; why you love them, why you hate them (be chill though, no rants), thanking them, etc. I don't care, so long as I find it appropriate. Hell, you can even diss Karma and Kei and I'd prob just laugh LOL. But if it seems too smutty/gross like "pls stick your dick in my pussy and let me call you daddy," I ain't publishing that (I don't mind profanity though). You crazy yanderes aren't allowed in here either.

2) You must PM/DM me your letter. If you comment on a story/letter with your letter, good job, you ruined your chances of EVER appearing in this book. Once you PM/DM me, I'll reply about things such as editing something or so on and so forth. If there's no need to edit anything, I'll just be telling you when I'll publish it.

3) I expect for there to be professional/business casual (lmao) behavior. If you're whiny and complaining, I'm not publishing you. This rule will be heavily enforced. I'll give you one chance to get your act together or else I'm cutting off all ties with you. I don't mind if you want to chat with me though, so I'm always open for that!

4) Don't diss others' letters. If you say mean shit about another person's opinions/feelings, expect to be blocked and maybe even reported. I don't want any feelings to be hurt (other than assholes) so this is to respect the writer and the time that they took to write it.

Those are the Big Four. Below will be a few extras.

• If I have time, I might reply to your letter as the character themselves! I won't tell you if I'll be doing this or not though, so it might just be a surprise lol.

• Please tell me details, such as whether or not you want to include a pic, have a certain font, or remain anonymous or not! Otherwise, I will tag you once I publish it.

• Please follow the letter writing format (If it's a letter)! This would be nice (and easier for me) to do, but it isn't required. If you're writing something like a small note or text message, then do it however you want.

• Please limit yourself to two letters only. If it's any more, I won't accept it until I've finished the ones I have at hand. One character per letter only.

• I might include a scenario and the letter will be part of it, so it's like a drabble with the story in between. The main point of this book will be reading one another's letters though!

• You are allowed to write letters about spoilers!!

• Letters that contain spoilers will be warned at the beginning of the letter as well as in the title.

Again, the main point of this book is for you readers to be the writers and enjoy stories/thoughts from yourselves among one another.

If you have any questions, feel free to just ask!


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