(Ch.1) Falling For the Devil

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As the beautiful blonde haired girl walked to school she could sense someone or something staring at her but she just excused it as if it was nothing and then all of a sudden... "BOOOOO" came a deep voice "AHHHH" screamed the poor girl in terror "UGH don't do that Aron!" Said the girl in a serious voice "hehe well you gotta admit it I got a pretty good reaction from you this time" Aron laughs "ugh I guess" said the girl"mind if I walk with you to school?" said Aron in a curious voice "yeah sure as long as you don't mind running because the bell is gonna ring in about 10 minutes" "oh I see you wanna race" "n-" before the girl could even get the word "no" out of her mouth she could see Aron running up ahead and could hear him yelling "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN", "well then looks like I'm running today" the girl said to herself, a few minutes have now gone by of non stop running and the girl heard the bell ringing "SHIT IM LATE" Aron yells from up ahead    "BYE" so the girl assumed he was heading to class, the same as her   "Sorry I'm late Ms.Lakesburg" Said the girl "it's ok Amira just make sure it doesn't happen again, now take a seat" said the teacher "ok" said Amira in a very tired and out of breath voice, as Amira looked around she could only see one available seat and it just had to be by Zack! as Amira walks around the desks to get to the seat one of the students purposely puts their leg in the way and as you probobly already guessed it, Amira tripped and fell strait to the ground "UGH GREAT" Amira thought to herself in a mad and sarcastic tone "here let me help you up" said a voice from above "oh thank yo-" as Amira took the persons hand to stand up she realized that it was Zack helping her "um are you ok" said Zack "oh ugh yeah, thanks asking for, I mean for asking hehe" said Amira in embarrassment "hehe no problem, also i just reolized the intire class is um stairing..at us..." said Zack "oh ugh... well then ill just um quickly take a seat" Amira immediately stands up and sits beside Zack, "OK class now that that dramatic scene is over lets actually get some work done" said Ms.Lakesburg, Amira and Zack start blushing a little bit because of what the teacher said, ( Bell rings ) "ok goodbye class make sure your assignments are done and ready to be handed in at the beginning of next week" said Ms.Lakesburg in a serious tone "oh umm Amira.." said Zack trying to catch up with her "yeah?" asked amira "do you umm wanna hang out after school today or something...?" asked Zack "OH umm yeah sure" said Amira "REALLY!... i a mean really..." said Zack in a stuttering tone "yeah of course... well see you after school i guess" said Amira "ugh ok" Amira walks to her class and Zack walks off to his and before they knew it, it was the end of the day "HEY AMIRA" said Zacks voice from across the hall "hey, ready to start walking?" said Amira in a happy voice "yeah of course" said Zack, as Zack and Amira walk out of the school and up a few blocks to Zacks house they get to know eachother a bit better by asking their favorite colour, food, movie, and many other things.. "HEY MOM HEY DAD IM HOME AND I BROUGHT A FRIEND WITH ME" said Zack to his parents when they walked in the door, "oh did you bring Carlos or Jared?" said Zacks mom "well um no its actually a girl" "WHAT! YOU DIDN'T TELL US YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND" said Zacks dad while Amira isn't trying to laugh histarically "shes not my girlfriend...shes just a friend..." said Zack in a little bit of an embarrassed tone , Zacks mom and dad come walking down the stairs to meet Amira, "well umm hi Mr and Mrs. Eliquint my name is Amira" "oh well thats a beautiful name and you are such a polite girl" said Mrs.Eliquint "oh well thank you" said Amira "Zack, you didnt tell us how polite and beautiful she was" said Mr.Eliquint "well umm we're gonna go upstairs to um hang out" said Zack "well ok just yell if you need anything" said Mrs.Eliquint "ok mom" said Zack, Zack and Amira both walk up the stairs into Zacks room... "Soooo...whatcha wanna do" said Aron to Amira "well do you have video games?" said Amira "oh well yeah but i didnt think youd wanna play them..." said Zack in a surprised voice "I literally love playing video games" said Amira in an Excited tone "well what kind of games do you like... My little Pony, Dress up, Barbie?" said Zack "WHAT kind of girl do you take me for i wanna play a game where i can blow somebody's head clean off their shoulders!" said Amira "oh well then... Grand Theft Auto (GTA), Black ops 3, or Battle Field 4?" said Zack "hmm well i haven't played Battle Field 4 in a while" said Amira "well then its settled ima kick your ass in Battle Field" said Zack in a playful voice "oh really?! i dont think so!" said Amira, Zack gets the the game ready on his X-BOX 360 and before they knew it, its already been around 3 hours of them playing "OH CRAP" said Amira "whats wrong?" said Zack in a concerned voice "its already 7:46! i had to be home at 7:30!" said Amira "aww that sucks! can you ask to stay any longer?" said Zack "ill call my mom be right back" Amira pulls out her phone and calls her mom "oh hey mom im really sorry that im not there i got occupied in video games..." said Amira to her mom "oh well its ok sweetie are you on your way home?" said Amiras mom "well i was actually curious if i could stay a bit longer..." "oh yeah of course just phone me when your on your way home" "ok thanks mom bye" Amira and her mom hang up "sooo?" said Zack "she said i could stay a bit longer" said Amira "YASSSSSS" Amira and Zack continue to play video games until they got bored of the game and decided to turn it off and just sit and talk... before Amira knew it she fell asleep in the bean bag chair that she was sitting on....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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