The Dare

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The ninja stood outside a tall building that seemed to be decaying. The door at the front was creaking at its hinges. The grey bricks of the building were wet, moldy and possibly gritty. The rain came down hard. Outside the building, a fire exit led to the roof, and a rusted street sign hung from its pole. The ninja stood staring at the presumably abandoned building. Who knew? Cole glanced over at Jay. The trembling master of lightning glanced at the building. "There is no way I'm going in THERE" he said, pointing at the decaying building. The other ninja could see how terrified he was. That's why they were doing this.

"Come on, it's been abandoned for god knows how long" Cole said. That didn't help Jay's terror. "IT'S FREAKING MIDNIGHT. NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD GO DO THIS AT FREAKING MIDNIGHT!" he screamed. Zane lowered his head. "I can see his point. Sane people do not, as he says, do this at freaking midnight" the calm nindroid said. "Damn right" Jay muttered under his breath, unable to tell whether or not Zane was mocking him.

"Stop being a coward, dude. Just do it. If it'll make ya feel any better, we'll give you a flashlight and maybe a reward if you do it" Kai said, swatting his drenched, spiky hair out of his face. Jay stared at the ninja of fire. There was an awkward silence. "You SURE?" Jay asked. Kai nodded as he yet again swiped hair from his face. "Yep" he said. Cole glanced at the sky. Sure was nice out, for rain. 

The sky was dark blue, and full of stars. The full moon shone in the night sky. Clouds, sadly, covered the beauty and poured rain. Cold, wet rain. Cole looked over at Jay. "Jay, your mission, if you choose to accept it..." he started.


"Let me finish, dammit" Cole snapped. Zane got in between the bickering ninja. "This is a very pointless thing to be fighting about." the nindroid said calmly. 

Jay sighed. "If this isn't something to fight over, then why am I even here..." the blue ninja muttered under his breath. No one heard him.

"So, how many floors does this building have..?" Jay asked, fear obviously present in his trembling voice. "Huh. I dunno." Cole shrugged. Jay's eye twitched. "YOU DON'T KNOW?! HOW THE **** DO YOU NOT KNOW?!" Jay shouted, his anger finally corrupting him. He got terrified really easily, and it did not bond well with his current situation. Lightning flashed in the night sky, ominously lighting the ninja. "Sorry. I didn't check." Cole said calmly, shaking off the shout from his friend. 

Jay just growled. He was so pissed right now. But, not that it mattered. All that seemed to matter was the abandoned building, which seemingly beckoned Jay into its creepy embrace. Jay felt a nauseous feeling in his stomach. He couldn't tell if the feeling was fear or just plain nervousness. The feeling he had in his stomach was terribly overwhelming. He did not like it one bit.

"AS I WAS SAYING." Cole muttered through gritted teeth, annoyed. Zane just closed his eyes, attempting to analyze possible outcomes of Jay's task. As an image of three monsters chasing Jay entered Zane's databank, the nindroid shuddered. No. He had not just seen three monsters chasing Jay down a bloody and decaying corridor. It must have been a bad dream.

Zane stifled  a gasp as he remembered: nindroids DON'T dream. As the now anxious nindroid watched his two friends having an arguements, he started to shiver with worry. Should he tell them?

"Hey Zane, too cold for ya?" Kai asked, turning to his shivering nindroid friend. "I could heat ya up..." the fire elemental offered. Zane shrugged. "I appreciate the offer, Kai, but I must decline..." the anxious robot said, his voice quivering slightly.

"It's okay. I'm used to being declined." Kai said, a small chuckle slipping through. "My father always used to say no to a lot of things I asked..." Kai said, finding himself with tears in his jade green eyes as he remembered his father. Kai wiped a tear from his shining eyes. 

Jay threw his hands up in defeat. "FINE! I'LL DO IT!" he snapped. He began climbing the rusted fire escape, his mind an Airjitzu tornado of fears and worry. One thing was clear to the master of lightning: there would be no turning back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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