Chapter one - Death

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Mwhhhhhaaaaaa. Nice title right? Hope you all enjoy! Will be updating ASAP.

I pulled out my chair and sat down. Half awake I buttered my toast and and began to eat. I still couldn't believe it, ten calls last night! Ten! Each one was a person speaking, well mostly yelling, about the governor's death. And yes he was dead, and yes we found him in our house and so on and so forth. Except one question. One question that wasn't asked. Who was I talking to last night?

So I finish of at work and the ' the governor' asks to see me. I have a five minute conversation with him and then I walked home. I arrived five minutes later at my house. I walk into the front room, casually click on the lights and the first thing I see is the governor lying dead on my sofa with an almost empty mug in his fat hand. I run over, check his pulse and he is dead. As I take my fingers off the blood rushes back to where I had made a white pressure mark. My eyes practically popped out of my head. This sign that he died under thirty minutes ago! I sniff the mug carefully and I'm overpowered by the smell of Arsenic. I could barely believe my thoughts.

" Harry, earth to Harry... You still in there bud? " I was snapped out of concentration by George snapping his fingers in my face.
" Yeah, I'm here. Still alive and well."
" that's good otherwise it would be like...." His voice trailed off and I knew what he was thinking about last night. With a sigh I got up and walked towards the tea and coffee corner.
" Tea or Coffee? " I called over my shoulder.
" Tea, I'm not in a coffee mood." He replied, sitting down with an oof on the chair opposite mine. I flicked on the kettle and plopped in a tea bag for each cup. As soon as the water had finished boiling I poured it into the mugs. Passing one to George, the other one in my hand I sat.
" Anything on how the governor got in there. I mean no broken windows or doors, the security cameras picked up nothing."
" For once in my life George I don't know..."

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