The Thing

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Castiel swirled his pink pen around in circles, making swirls and hearts. The paper was coated in doodles, small notes to himself, and someones name, while he held his face with his hand. He also doodled his crush's name on a separate paper, which he held in his other hand.

Castiel heard the classroom door creak open, and a boy with dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes that shimmered in the sunshine, tiptoed in. He hopped in a chair next to Castiel and looked at him for a second.

"Dean Winchester! You're tardy!" Mr. Chu yelled, and the boy next to Castiel just smirked and opened a textbook. His name was Dean, and he was the hottest boy in school. Secretly, Castiel had the biggest crush on him... a lot of people did.

"Hey... what're we doing?" Dean whispered to Castiel, his breath ghosting against his neck. He jumped, startled that Dean Winchester would ever talk to him. Castiel blushed and bit his lip before speaking,

"Page forty five... We're learning about the science of sex," Castiel answered quietly, trying not to smile.

"Bet you'll get a good grade on that," Dean teased before flipping open his textbook to the right page and biting on his pen. Castiel's eyes widened and he started getting pink on his cheeks. Dean pretended he didn't say anything, slowly reading down the page, glancing at the unrealistic pictures.

Castiel couldn't help but stare at Dean's eyes, the way they sparkled and lit up whenever he bit his lip. His shiny lip piercing was wrapped around his plump lips; they looked so full and kissable. Dean's freckles popped out of his pale skin, and they were more noticeable when he smiled.

Castiel had to bite his tongue not to scream when he realized Dean was staring back at him. Castiel peered down at his opened book and tried to forget that ever happened. Castiel could almost feel Dean eyeing him while he tried to focus on what Mr. Chu was saying.

The bell rang and Castiel sighed and closed his used textbook, before gathering up all his crinkled papers and shoving them in his small binder. Dean was already out of the room by the time Castiel looked up. "Great, now he thinks I'm insane." Castiel mumbled quietly while frowning and storming out of the room.

The hall looked like there was a fire, everyone was struggling to get out. Castiel sighed annoyingly and got ready to push his way through the crowd of people. He struggled to get past a few of the tall popular guys and got scalded as a result. Eventually, most the people started rushing to their classrooms when one of the staffs came walking up the stairs.

Castiel rushed into his class just in the nick of time before the bell made a shattered noise, making most the kids hold their ears. Castiel sat down in his assigned seat and slammed his binder down on his desk. He didn't even want to think about what must be going through Dean's head right now.

Castiel's rest of the day was just as stressful, bullies and friends... he didn't know which was worst. When Castiel heard the bell ring, he rushed out of the classroom as fast as he could, trying to get out of the damn school. As result, he ran into someone and toppled on top of them.

He opened his eyes, which were slammed tightly shut and nearly died when he saw Dean under him. "Oh god. I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." Castiel said while blushing.

Dean scoffed, "It's fine... Cas." Dean mumbled quietly while his hair covered part of his eyes.

How does he know my name, Castiel thought. Castiel struggled to get up and Dean helped him by grabbing his waist and helping him up a little- oh god. Castiel felt butterflies in his stomach while Dean quickly removed his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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