A Single Night Off

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I do not own the anime Psycho-Pass. All the characters belong to Urobuchi Gen.

(cover art: http://alliandoalice.tumblr.com/post/48193932471/kougami-and-akane-dancing-3-someone-should-write)


“Alright Division 1, listen closely,” Inspector Ginoza said one morning as he walked through the office doors, “I have a message from the Chief.”

Akane stiffened; this was it, she was getting the sack. It was a wonder she had not been fired on her first day at the job, considering the mishap with the woman, the Dominators and Kougami Shinya. She was still admittedly afraid that he held a grudge against her for paralysing him, when all he was trying to do was his job. However, if she had been given that scenario to repeat, Akane would not have done anything differently; a life had been spared, and news was that the woman was currently responding to psycho-therapy very well. Unfortunately, it was not likely the Chief would take her naïve blunders lightly. She was almost ready to pack up before Ginoza continued.

His face betrayed concentration, though confusion mingled in, and he said, “It seems the Sibyl System has judged that in order to get the maximum work profit out of the divisions, everyone needed time to relax, mingle with colleagues and mesh together psychologically.”

Oh thank goodness. She was in the clear.

“What does that mean for us?” Yayoi asked.

Ginoza adjusted his glasses, still looking like he could not believe his words. “It’s…simple, really. Chief Kasei has arranged a small social event to take place tomorrow night. Attendance is mandatory as this concerns your Psycho Passes.”

This was the first time Akane had ever heard of such a thing. Apparently, she was not the only one surprised by this situation; Yayoi’s head had tilted to the side in questioning, Shuusei had finally put down his handheld console to stare Ginoza with incredulity and Masaoka ran a hand through his hair, brow furrowed. Only Shinya had some kind of composure as he leaned back on his chair. His eyes were expectant, his expression suggesting that he was waiting for more information. Strange, Akane had presumed he would protest straight away. Shinya seemed the standoffish type whose frowning lips would cut further down his face at the thought of social situations.

Instead, his mouth curled into an amused smirk and he asked, “So what’s the catch?”

“What kind of catch can a party have?” Shuusei asked in response, “It’s t’ loosen up a little! Ever heard of having fun, Ko?”

Shinya shook his head and gestured to Ginoza with a wave of his hand. “I’m sure the Inspector has some terms and conditions to tell us.”

“Kougami is right,” the male inspector said, “There are a few things you must bear in mind; the dress code is semi-casual and understated. It is supposed to be a muted, calm gathering, no real alcohol. Also, the Enforcers will have their own venue, separate from the Inspectors.”

Before objections were voiced, Ginoza raised a hand to silence them. “You will be in the dining hall, which will be furbished for the occasion. Since the room will be full of latent criminals, sufficient security will be present to subdue any violence. If you wish to leave the hall early, you are only permitted to go to your quarters. Access to any other rooms or corridors will be restricted.”

Akane rested her chin in her hands, sighing in disappointment. She barely knew the inspectors from other divisions, and this could have been a good opportunity to get to know the Enforcers better. They were her responsibility, no, her co-workers, and perhaps if she tried to understand them, she would understand the reasons behind their actions. Her eyes went back to Shinya. This could have been one step closer to unravelling the mystery behind him.

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