Heaven Clan's Call

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Heaven Clan's Call


Her eyes glowed in the moonlight, "I can do this..." Angel said to herself in fear. You could hear the wind whispering to you as the lightning struck down. She heard footsteps behind her, Footsteps that sounded familiar.. But they didn't at the same time. What could it be?.. Dogs? Maybe even some pray? Or?... A cat? "Who's there?!" She jumps back and slips on a rock. Soul slowly walks up to her and helps her back up, "No need to be afraid," He mews, "It's just me." Soul looks Angel in the eyes, "Why are you out here in this? It's dangerous!" He hisses. "You can get killed in this kind of weather!" "I'm sorry, I am just trying to hunt for some food." Angel meows. "Oh, it's ok," Soul mews, "Come back to camp," He purrs, "My den will be warm." "Ok" Angel meows. They both walked back to the camp together in the storm.

They walked in the den where the other cats were. The cats stared at Angel as if she did something wrong. "It's ok guys, she was just hunting. You don't need to stare." Soul quietly mewed, "We will go hunting tomorrow at dawn. So the kits are not hungry." "Alright" Sae meowed in an annoyed tone, "Let us go back to sleep so we can wake up with you. You don't want us to be tired? Do you?" "Hush." Angel hissed, "You don't need to be jealous, I was just trying to hunt for you and the others. Just because Soul and I walk in together does not mean anything." Sae rolled her eyes, "I did not even say anything about that but whatever. Goodnight you two love-love cats. Go to the mating grounds, I bet you will enjoy it." "Enough!" Soul angrily hissed at Sae, "We don't need you two to be fighting this late at night. Now Sae goodnight, I think you need to sleep off whatever you have right now." Angel and Soul both walked out of the other cat's den and they walked into his.

The sun came up the next day, brighter than ever. "Wow!" Angel said in excitement, "It's such a beautiful day today!" "Yes, yes it is very nice today." Soul mewed and looked at the sky, "Hmm, It seems like heaven clan is trying to say something to me but.. I don't understand what they are trying to say." "That's interesting" Angel mewed, "Maybe they are telling you a sign or something." Angel's beautiful blue eyes glittered in the sunlight. "Yeah," Soul mewed and stared at Angel, "I think it is a sign of some sort." "Haha, let's go get the others to go hunt!" Angel mewed, "It's going to be a good day to hunt I can tell because of the atmosphere." The birds were chirping, the squirrels were climbing trees, It's going to be a perfect day for the clan to go hunting for food."Let's go Angel." Soul meowed, "Kia, Sae, and Dark will hunt with us today. Let's go get them." "Alright" Angel looked at Soul followed him to the cat's den.

"Kia, Sae, and Dark! Come with us to hunt. Everyone else stay here, We will be back soon." Soul yelled into the den. Kia lifted up her head and yawned, "I will be out in a second, Still need to wake up haha." "Ugh I don't want to-Uh never mind!" Dark hisses. "Ha, that's what I though Dark. Think before you speak young one." Soul pats Dark. "Ohhh! You picked me to go!..." Sae's face turns red and she flattens her ears. "Sae, You are hunting with me, Angel, Dark, and Kia. It does not mean anything haha." Soul stares at Sae. "Oh... " She pretends to be sad to get the attention from Soul. Soul walks out. Angel, Kia, and Dark follow behind. Grrrr ....."Angel will pay back.... I will make sure Soul is all to me... Hahaha..." Sae hisses in anger. She runs out of the den and catches up to them.

Sae walks behind Angel, Her claws ready to just.. Rip her apart. But, she would never do that because she would know Soul would not like her at all and may kill her for it. "Hey Angel and Kia," Soul meows, "Come with me. Sae and Dark, you two go off and hunt the other way. Be careful ok?" "Okie Soul-ly" Sae purrs. Angel looks at Sae and she runs off with Dark. "Hey it's ok Angel." Soul mews. "Er.. What um sorry what?" Angel mews in embassament, "Er sorry.. Let's just hunt already haha." Soul walks off and Kia is staring at Angel, "Um? Angel.... Do you like him or something?" Angel Hisses at Kia and she jumps back. "Geez sorry for asking!..." "Er, sorry... Just don't say that please.." Angel's ears flatten and she turns away. "Girls!" Soul yells, "Are you coming?!" "Yes we are coming sorry!" Kia yells back.

After a long day of hunting they all meet up at the rock. It starts storming and the water in the river is slowly rising. "Ok, so how good did we do?" Sae meows. "Pretty good I think." Kia mews. Lightning crashes about a mile away. "Er.. I think we should get back before this storm gets worse." Angel meows in fear. "Yeah, we should get back." Soul says as he looks at the sky, "Hmm It is going to get worse... Let's go now.." Angel and Sae are in the back. They are by a cliff. "Ha!.. It's a perfect time for the plan.... Sae whispers to herself. Sae takes a deep breath. "ANGEL WATCH OUT!" Sae pushes her off. "ANGEL NO!" Soul, Kia, and Dark yell. As Angel falls she takes a breath and sees a light...

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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