Mortal Solider

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 Everything this morning was going well until I headed to my closet to get my clothes. I woke up on time, got my crazy curly hair together enough to make a cute side braid and since my room is rather organized from the move, I quickly found the box labeled “school” to get my supplies ready. But then my skinny jeans, which I thought to be harmless while lying on the floor, managed to tangle around my ankles. It was a tough battle between my jeans and I but alas the distressed blue denim prevailed. I survived the feat but came out with a bruise on my forehead. I took an extra thirty minutes tearing through my room trying to find my makeup and another ten alone trying to cover up my the red orb on my head. I covered it the best I could but I had to quit trying and get dress or I would make my brother and I late. Just as I slipped my yellow jacket on my brother, Mark, started ordering me to get downstairs.

"Coming Markie" I shouted back, using the nickname he despised. I grabbed my back and ran to the stairs.

"We're going to be late Jaz." I gasped really loudly making a face of disbelief holding the rail.  "Really? And here I thought we were going to be the first ones to arrive."

I rolled my eyes while plopping down on the floor tying my favorite grey high tops. When I was done I hoped up and skipped over to the mirror by the door pretending to focus on my clothes. Mark can be so easy to irritate, knew that we should get going but I had to take every opportunity to mess with him. I could see in the reflection that he was glaring at me. "Jazlyn you look fine," I opened my mouth to respond but he cut me off "I know you look fine because you look like the girl version of me and trust me I would not claim you as mine if you were ugly." I knew he was playing but his cockiness was real. I smiled cheekily at him “Aw my bother thinks he's cute, now who told you that?"

Mark didn't take the bait only smirked and walked out the door doing a signal to come on. I laughed shaking my head walked out locking the door then sliding in the passenger seat of the cars we own. Today was Mark's choice and he decided to drive our 1989 red mustang that we rebuilt and customized with our dad a few years back.

We peeled out our driveway and headed to school, it was about 15 minutes away, so I decided to close my eyes to rest instead of getting a headache form watching trees.  

When I opened my eyes, we were just pulling into the school. It was essentially a massive campus in a random break of the forest. The main building stood center of the campus. Its stones look as if it were crafted by workmen from hundreds of years ago, the architectural design was beautiful, even accessorized with statues of angels. Aside from the building itself the land was perky and neat. As Mark parked the car I noticed kids were everywhere, some were obviously staring. The rest however sat idle either hanging out in the grass or talking to friends. I spotted boys playing lacrosse on the field to the far right of the school, how they had that much energy so early was beyond me. . From the large amounts of kids here I knew we would take advantage of it as our grandparents taught us. “You never know what people have to offer unless you get to know them.” Grandma Billy would say.

"Let's go the office and get situated. Then we'll see what really goes down here" Nodding in agreement I got out waiting for Mark to come around.  He made sure to put his arm around me giving a warning glance to any boys. "Great now you'll have them running for the hills" I muttered under my breath. He only looked at me that said 'good' and returned his attention to glaring at any guy who dared to look at me. But that sneaky bastard keep flying smiles at girls making them go bat crazy. So I returned the favor and glared at them.  I relaxed my face when I remembered we were new here and we probably looked weird glaring at everyone. I nudged Mark in the side and told him to cool it with the looks, which he did thankfully.

Things got confusing when we walked in. I was expecting it to be like it usually is at other schools, having the office close to the front, easy to find. But this particular school apparently didn’t think to follow the norm. It was a circle on the inside basically and a hella lot of hallways, and doors, doors without labels I might add; so we may end up in a dark closet or just someone’s office by mistake. Oh and we couldn’t ask for help because no one was hanging out inside. It’s like the students didn’t want to be in the school unless they had to be. Some people would pop up but only disappear in a door or walk down the halls. We stood there awkwardly not knowing where to go because everyone was doing their own thing not paying us any mind.

"Twins come.” A short 4'9 foot woman shouted at us from the opening of the corridor to the right of us. She didn't even wait; she just turned around in her black stilettos, tight navy blue uniform and kept it moving. I look over at Mark with my eye brow raised but didn't comment and proceeded after her.  We caught up fairly quickly and she was rattling off about something. Naturally being me I zoned out for a bit, in my defense it made no sense trying to figure out what she was saying since we obviously missed the beginning of what she was saying.

"Girl, listen to me, I'm trying to explain details that you need to know, not me.” I looked up surprised, when she snapped her fingers in my face. She looked so frustrated. I wanted to bite back at her for not calling me by my real name but I was too embarrassed from my zoning out. So instead I looked at my shoes and mumbled a sorry then gave her my full attention when I got over myself. She took a deep breath in, mumbling to herself then continued.

"I won’t repeat myself so you’ll have to get that information from your brother. We have all your information ready and it is with the dean, he is waiting for you in his office,” she pointed down the hall " when you enter show respect, don't talk unless spoken to and listen to him.” She exaggerated pointedly staring at me. “His knowledge of things you have yet to find out and are vital for your future. Now follow me.” She gestured for us to follow her; we did as commanded and followed into yet another long hallway to a dull looking but sturdy oak door. She knocked twice and waited for a reply, when giving an affirmative response she turns the knob entering.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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