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I'd called her into my office; it was late in the day, after sports. She was still wearing her little tennis skirt and rather too tight white tennis shirt. She was also still sweaty, beading on her upper lip and forehead, her young pert breasts straining against the damp shirt with her plain white bra just visible beneath the open buttons. God, she was gorgeous. So young and tight and nubile.

She was looking at me expectantly so I cleared his throat and said, Emi, your behaviour in class the last few weeks has been unacceptable. You're disruptive and inattentive. It's not like you at all. What is going on?

She raised her downcast eyes to look at him, her pearly white top teeth anxiously biting down on the soft plump pink lower lip. There were tears in her eyes as she tried to explain...

Sir, I know, and I'm so sorry. I don't know what it is, every time I'm in your class I simply cannot sit still, I'm uncomfortable in my seat, my legs are restless and my body just feels weird and uncomfortable. I get the giggles and just feel.. I don't know, naughty? I don't get like that in my other classes. And I even feel like that now. I just don't understand it Sir.

The tears were now wobbling on her thick dark lashes, her big brown eyes gazing at him in confusion. As one tear ran down her flushed cheek he shifted in his seat, subtly adjusting the sudden raging hard on I was suffering from.

Well, Emi, whatever the reason, I'm afraid I will have to punish you. I cannot allow your behaviour to go unpunished and set a bad example for your mates.

I know Sir, I understand, she said as she fidgeted slightly, shifting her legs so they rubbed together, clearly unconsciously.

6 lashes Emi. You know the drill... Lean over my desk and let's get this over with.

She did as I said, walking round to where I was seated and leaning over my desk, her plump round arse in the air, facing me, her breasts pressed flat against the hard wood and her arms stretched forward until her fingers curled over the front edge of the desk.

OK Sir, she said in a strangled voice, I'm ready.

I stood up and reached for my cane, my cock hard against my thigh and sweat standing out on my forehead as I looked down at the enticing picture before me.

Her skirt was so short that her bum was clearly on show, her pussy visible below, encased in the plain white cotton panties as required by the school. I could even see a dark patch of wetness between her legs.

My cock pulsed in response, straining against my pants. I adjusted himself again, getting in a quick rub and squeeze to try and alleviate some of the pressure. But looking at that fresh young flesh laid out on his desk, some of the white cotton slightly rucked up into her crack, pussy pressing against the desk, my cock hardened even more and I surreptitiously slipped a hand into my pocket and rubbed my cock hard and fast.

Uh, right, I said moving to stand at the side of her arse. Pulling my hand away from my cock, I placed it on her lower back, upper bum, and pressed down firmly as I brought back my other arm, cane in hand, here we go...

And the cane wooshed through the air and slapped against the taut young flesh, just where the cheeks meet the legs, leaving a long red weal. She cried out, making my cock jerk, and clenched her buttocks together, pushing down on the desk and squirming a little.

I held her firmly in place, hand sliding ever so slightly further down her butt with my fingers just over her crack. This time when I pressed down saying: Ready? My treacherous fingers slid just into that enticing crack and her pussy squashed down into the desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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