Chapter one

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The subway at 7:30 a.m. exactly, he stands in front of the station map. He always stands at this spot at this exact time five days a week. He's never late and he doesn't stand anywhere else. I admire that, he seems too perfect. Tall, handsome, he looks as if he came straight out of a Calvin Klein ad.
He always has his headphones on which are the same color black as his glasses. I wonder what type of music he listens to or if he's listening to music at all. Maybe he just puts them in to make people think he's listening to something in order to avoid conversing. That's what I do.
I wonder a lot about this man. I wonder two things mainly: has he ever noticed me? What would he say if he found out about me?
The subway speeds by and comes to a complete stop right in front of him. This is usually when I go back home and wait until tomorrow to see him again but something inside me wanted to follow him. It wanted to know more.
I shuffle in with the rest of the passengers. I sit far enough from him to not gain his attention towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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