Past Repeat

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Oh, look who posted two stories in a week! This is a Oneshot that I thought I'd just post to Wattpad for you guys! I've put all the warnings in the description but I'll tell you them again.
If you're sensitive to topics relating to depression or suicide, don't read, it's simple.
Other than that, I hope you enjoy this feel fest and thanks for reading!


"(F/N) please! You've got to stay alive!"

Panicked voices cried out. Adults were gathered around a single hospital bed, and the sound of slow beeps filled the room. Unbeknownst to the state of his best friend, the young Arthur Kirkland stood with his scarf tightly wrapped around himself to keep him warm. His father was holding his hand and his mother was stood next to another woman, her hand clasped tightly in hers while her other arm was placed around her shoulder in a comforting fashion. Arthur knew her as (F/N)'s mother, tears were streamed down her face. Arthur was only young, he didn't know at the time what was going on.

"Father? What's going on? What's wrong with (F/N)?" He said tugging on his dad's coat sleeve. His dad looked down at him, he gave him an uneasy smile.

"Everything's fine Arthur, don't worry." He said ruffling Arthur's blonde, messy hair. He wouldn't say what was wrong, he would only reassure Arthur that everything was fine. But what was that everything? What was there to be fine?

It was a cold winter, a young girl, (F/N), had thrown herself into the partially frozen lake at the local park. Arthur had found her and thought she was playing, but he was tugged backwards by his mother as his father took off his coat and jumped into the water to save the girl. After a couple of seconds, he rose back to the surface carrying the freezing cold and frail (F/N). An ambulance was instantly called and her parents were informed. They said it was likely she wouldn't survive, but she did. It shocked all of the doctors, but (F/N)'s parents rejoiced and cried tears of joy when their little girl opened her eyes.


Arthur didn't know back then, but as he grew up and learnt more, it was clear that his best friend had attempted suicide. After her attempt and her miraculous recovery, she was frail and sick a lot. But worst of all, she went into depression and wanted nothing but to end her own life. Over the time Arthur helped her heal as his duty as her best friend. Soon they started dating and (F/N) was a lot happier than she was in the past. Her depression was now a dark, small corner in her mind.


(F/N) smiled happily as she held her anniversary present for Arthur in her hands. She'd been saving up her allowance for a while and had bought him a nice box of chocolates and a pair of matching bracelets which she deemed cute. All there was to do now was to meet Arthur at his house, she hadn't told him that she was coming as she wanted it to be a surprise. He was probably cooking some scones at home and forcing his brother Alfred to eat them. (F/N) laughed at the funny memories she remembered as she thought of what her boyfriend was up to.

But she was wrong.

Alfred's car wasn't parked in the drive, so she assumed he must be out, but Arthur's car was there. She quietly opened the door, smiling as she tried to imagine Arthur's reaction. Strange, there was an extra pair of shoes set at the doorway, they were girly, nothing that Arthur or Alfred would wear. Was their mother visiting? Even she didn't wear shoes like that. (F/N) tried to ignore it. As she tiptoed up the steps, she heard a female giggle. It didn't sound like someone she knew, and even worse, it came from Arthur's room. Panic set in and her heart beat faster. Sweat dripped down her brow and worst case scenarios flooded through her mind.

"Arthur~" The females voice sounded again. (F/N) pressed her ear against the door, hearing more giggles. Her legs went numb and all she wanted was to get out but her body was frozen. She took a deep breath and clasped the doorknob tightly, she swung the door open. The sight was no different then what she guessed it was, but she was still shocked none the less. It was Arthur, kissing another girl. He was halfway through taking off her shirt while he was still fully dressed. His eyes met (F/N)'s and panic set in.

Cheater! England X Suicidal! Reader - Past RepeatDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora