miss understood

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The AC was broken in the house Dean Cass and Sam was staying in and Cass was having problems with the bed sheet

"DEAN!" Cass shouted and Dean came running 'what's the matter?" He Opened the door and Cass was shirtless drenched in sweat sweat "having trouble?" Dean said trying not to laugh at the sight before him. "Dean there's nothing funny about my struggle" Cas said in a deep tone

"I'll help you"

Dean walked over to Cass and Cass lift the bed and put one corner then the other and dropping it causing the springs to make a noise and repeated with the other side and when they got one side on the other fell so Dean took off his button up shirt leaving him in a tee shirt "OK" Dean seid as he started sweat

They repeat the process over and over again untill they found that the sheet was on the wrong way. And turned it.

Sam walked in and heard the springs and he thought that they finally were 'shared' the feeling that he thought that had and walked to the closed door trying to act natural but wanting to embarrass Dean

-In the room-

Dean was drentched in sweat like Cass and he took his shirt off and wiped his face with it. Sam walks in with a weird walk and says.. "Dean what are you doing?" With a dumb look on his face that made Dean wanna slap him.

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