Chapter 1

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Note: Rachel has already had Emma. Rachel has moved back in with Joey. Joey and Rachel are keeping their relationship a secret. Phoebee got a job as a cashier and is still keeping her job as a massage person.

It was Saturday morning at six o'clock in the morning. Rachel woke up to nine month old crying Emma. Rachel got out of bed and went over to pick up up Emma.

"Are you hungry, let's get you a snack." Rachel whispered then she left her room with Emma

Rachel turned on the kitchen light and made Emma some plain oatmeal. Once the oatmeal was ready she put Emma in the high chair and put a bib around Emma's neck then Rachel sat down and began to feed Emma.

Rachel was almost done feeding Emma when Joey came out of his room.

"Are you alright i heard you out here in the night." said Joey

"I'm fine." said Rachel then she continued "could you look after Emma for about an hour I need to go to the store." said Rachel

"Um Rachel I've got an audition today can't you get phoebe to do it." said Joey

"No she's got work, everyone's busy Monaca and chandler are out of town for the weekend, Pheobee is at work all day, Ross is away in Ohio for a conferences." Rachel t

"For breakfast we have eggs, pancakes and fruit." said Joey

"Um sounds good." said Rachel sitting down

Joey put Emma in the baby swing then sat down as well.

"So what are you going to get while at the store." asked Joey

"Toilet paper, soap, shampoo, paper towel, dish soap, milk, apples, oranges, potatoes, diapers, baby wipes and baby bath wash." said Rachel all that was true except she didn't add the pregnancy test

"Okay." said Joey

After they had finished their breakfast Rachel cleaned up while Joey changed his audition time and got ready.

Once Rachel was ready she said goodbye then left the apartment. 

One and a half hours later Rachel returned with a bag of groceries.

"Great you're back, I need to leave for my audition and I just put Emma down for a nap about five minutes ago, I should be back in about two hours. Bye I love you." said Joey giving Rachel a kiss before leaving in a rush

Rachel put away the groceries. The last thing she took out was a pregnancy test, she went into the bathroom and took the test. A few minutes later she looked at the results. Her mouth opened wide when she saw two horizontal lines.

"I'm pregnant. How am I going to tell Joey after all he is the father." she thought

After a few minutes of looking at the test she had thought of a way to tell Joey. She would write a note and put the test beside it. So Rachel came out of the washroom and took a piece of paper and a pen then wrote the note which said.

Hi Joey.
I wasn't sure how to tell you this myself out loud  so I'm writing you this note to tell you that.....I'm pregnant and you're the father. Please don't be mad at me for not telling you this morning the whole truth.


Rachel then folded the paper and put both the note and the test on kitchen counter. After that she sat down and watched some tv.

One and a half hours later Emma was still sleeping and Rachel was now reading a book. Rachel was reading her book when she heard the door knob wiggle. She quickly put her book down and went into her room.

The door opened and Joey walked in.

"Rachel." he said a little bit loud

No answer

"Rachel." He said a little bit louder

No answer. Joey shrugged "She must be sleeping." he said to himself

Rachel heard this and opened the door  "I'm not sleeping."  she finally said

"Then why are you in your room?" he asked

"There's a note and something else for you on the kitchen counter and until you read it I'm not coming out." said Rachel then she shut the door and Emma began to cry.
Joey found the note and opened it.

" hi Joey I wasn't sure how to tell you this myself out loud  so I'm writing you this note to tell you that.....I'm pregnant and you're the father. Please don't be mad at me for not telling you this morning the whole truth.." He said reading the note aloud then he saw the test. So he picked it up and looked at it.

"Oh my....she's pregnant." He thought

He took a few minutes to process the news, then still holding the test he went over to Rachel's door and knocked.

"Come in." said Rachel

Joey opened the door and walked in. When he walked in Rachel was sitting on the bed holding Emma.

"So you're pregnant." said Joey

"Yeah." said Rachel then she continued "so what are we going to do? How will we tell everyone." said Rachel

"I'm going to tell you what we're going to do. We're going to take care of this baby together, I'll be there for you and the baby before and after it comes. We'll let everyone find out on their own." said Joey

"Okay." said Rachel

"It's about lunch time why don't we go out." said Joey

"Okay." said Rachel

then they got ready and left the  apartment.

To be continued....

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